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图1 HC164外围电路图



图2 时钟信号与数据信号合并成一个信号


表1 whip程序输出功能

  如表1所示,一个简单的“whip”程序实现8位输出功能。假定低通滤波器时间常数为3μs,使用4MHz或更高频率晶振时,指令时间应该为1μs或更短。程序使用My_Port端口的My_ Bit输出的位操作。



图3 串行输入/并行输出芯片4096外围电路图


  RC lowpass filter expands microcomputer’s output port

  A simple lowpass RC filter allows a single output pin of a microcontroller to expand the number of output bits.

  Rex Niven, Forty Trout Electronics, Eltham, Victoria, Australia; Edited by Charles H Small and Fran Granville -- EDN, 6/21/2007

  It’s almost a corollary to Moore’s Law: Next year, microcomputers will have more features, and the software team will have bigger ideas. Unfortunately, though, the number of output pins will stay the same. Finding even one spare output for diagnostics, test, or even standard I/O can be a tussle. The single-pin “bus” in Figure 1 can provide an unlimited number of parallel outputs with simple additional hardware. A microcomputer output with an RC lowpass filter controls serial-to-parallel converter HC164. To enter data into the serial-to-parallel converter, each bit consists of a one-to-zero-to-one transition, which alters the length of the low state. If the low state is longer than the lowpass filter’s time constant, a zero shifts into the register. If the low state is short, then a one shifts into the register. The clock and data signals thus combine into one signal. A lowpass filter separates the clock and data signals (Figure 2).

  Listing 1, a simple “Whip” routine, performs the output function for eight bits. Assume that the RC time constant is 3 µsec, and the instruction time should be 1 µsec or less at a crystal frequency of 4 MHz or greater. The routine uses bitwise manipulation of output My_Bit of port My_Port.

  Although the circuit in Figure 1 can control slow-reacting devices, such as relays or LCDs, using it with LEDs can give an annoying flicker when the HC164 is writing. To address tha

t problem, the circuit in Figure 3 uses another serial-in/parallel-out register, the 4094, which has a strobe input to allow simultaneous updates of all outputs without temporary levels. A twin monostable circuit supplies the data and strobe signals. This circuit should be able to control parallel devices, such as display modules based on HD44780 devices.
