您所在的位置:首页 > EDA与制造 > 设计应用 > 非均匀光照下铜板表面缺陷图像增强
昆明理工大学 信息工程与自动化学院
摘要: 针对铜板表面缺陷图像容易受到非均匀光照影响,出现反光和亮度失真,导致图像难以运用到检测中的问题,提出了一种非均匀光照场景下铜板表面缺陷图像的增强方法。首先提取图像中的光照分量,然后将光照分量进行分块,根据不同块的亮度进行优化,并在分块的基础上进行自适应伽马变换,调整图像中的整体亮度。然后,使用Top-Hat变换加强图像中的缺陷区域,最后将Top-Hat变换前后的图像进行融合,得到最终的图像。实验结果表明,在擦伤、划痕、孔洞这三类缺陷中,增强后的图像信息熵分别提升了10.51%、5.29%、2.89%,与其他图像增强算法相比,所提算法能够有效抑制铜板表面缺陷的反光,提升图像的质量并增强图像中的缺陷区域。
中图分类号:TP751 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.245044
中文引用格式: 杨凯钧,陈逃. 非均匀光照下铜板表面缺陷图像增强[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(9):94-100.
英文引用格式: Yang Kaijun,Chen Tao. Enhancement of surface defect images on copper plates under non-uniform illumination[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(9):94-100.
Enhancement of surface defect images on copper plates under non-uniform illumination
Yang Kaijun,Chen Tao
Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the image of defects on the surface of copper plate is easily affected by non-uniform illumination, which results in reflections and brightness distortion and makes it difficult to apply the image to detection, an enhancement method for the image of defects on the surface of copper plate under non-uniform illumination scenario is proposed. Firstly, the light components in the image are extracted, chunked and then optimized according to the brightness of different chunks. Based on the chunking, adaptive gamma correction is performed to adjust the overall brightness of the image. Then, Top-Hat transform is used to enhance the defective regions in the image, and finally the images before and after Top-Hat transform are fused to obtain the final image. The experimental results show that the information entropy of the enhanced image is improved by 10.51%, 5.29%, and 2.89% in three types of defects, namely scratches, scratches, and holes, respectively. Compared with other image enhancement algorithms, the proposed algorithm can effectively inhibit the reflection of the defects on the surface of the copper plate, improve the quality of the image and enhance the defective regions in the image.
Key words : image enhancement;multiscale fusion;gamma correction;non-uniform illumination



目前,针对光照不均匀的图像增强主要分为基于空间域[2-4]和基于频率域[5-7]两大方面。基于空间域的图像增强方法包括直方图均衡化方法和Retinex方法等。基于频率域的方法主要有:低通滤波、高通滤波、同态滤波等。直方图均衡化[8]通过重新分布图像的灰度级来增强对比度,它对整体图像进行处理。Retinex方法[9]受启发于人眼对光照的适应性,SSR和MSR是常见的Retinex变体。基于频率域的图像增强算法将图像视为包含高频和低频复合信号[10]。傅里叶变换[11]是一种常见的方法,但此类算法通常在自适应性方面较为有限。孙阔原等[12]采用最大类间方差法进行值分割,结合形态学滤波及边缘几何特征对缺陷进行定位检测。王伟江等人[13]针对光照问题提出基于形态学熵图像的光照归一化算法,能有效增强光照不均图像。王凡等人[14]利用多结构形态学增强算法可以有效提取光照不均图像中形状较小的缺陷。刘志成等[15]提出了一种将Retinex理论与伽马变换相结合的自适应调整算法,可以保留更详细的信息,但仍会存在亮度饱和效应。汤子麟等人[16]构造了一种自适应伽马矫正函数,可以兼顾图像的全局特性和局部细节信息,但对强光部分处理效果较差。深度学习方法,如RetinexNet[17]和AM-RetinexNet [18]将Retinex与神经网络相结合,使用大量数据集训练校正模型,在图像降噪和色彩视觉修正等方面表现较好,但对图像中的反光区域优化效果较差。






(昆明理工大学 信息工程与自动化学院,云南 昆明 650504)

