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1.国网智能电网研究院有限公司 电力网络安全防护与监测技术实验室; 2.国网福建省电力有限公司
摘要: 当前,电力系统业务以微服务为主,业务架构发生了显著变化,数据安全能力需要与业务深度融合。然而,现有的数据安全能力仍以传统软硬件架构为主,无法满足跨域流动场景的动态弹性防护需求,难以适应业务架构的变化,亟需研究基于微服务化架构的数据共享交互安全保护技术。然而由于电力系统产生的数据量巨大,不同数据又有着不同的数据安全需求,普通的微服务架构难以解决电力系统微服务架构在高并发场景下的负载失衡。针对以上问题,提出了一种基于开普勒优化算法(Kepler Optimization Algorithm, KOA)的数据安全能力微服务调度算法,旨在实现负载平衡,从而提升系统的高并发处理能力。通过对云集群节点资源和微服务性能进行详细建模,以平衡集群负载与最小化微服务运行时间为目标构建了优化模型。实验结果显示,基于KOA的数据安全能力微服务调度算法在均衡服务器负载、提升集群系统处理效率以及降低任务响应时间方面具有显著效果,有效提升了系统的并发性能。
中图分类号:TP302 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.245404
中文引用格式: 高先周,郭敬东,何阳,等. 高并发的数据安全能力微服务架构及调度算法[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(9):18-24.
英文引用格式: Gao Xianzhou,Guo Jingdong,He Yang,et al. Microservice architecture and scheduling algorithm of high concurrency data security capability[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(9):18-24.
Microservice architecture and scheduling algorithm of high concurrency data security capability
Gao Xianzhou1,Guo Jingdong2,He Yang1,Li Hongfa2,Luo Fucai2
1.State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co.,Ltd., State Grid Laboratory of Power Cyber-Security Protection and Monitoring Technology;2.State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Abstract: Currently, the business operations of power systems primarily rely on microservices, resulting in significant changes in business architecture. Data security capabilities need to be deeply integrated with business operations. However, existing data security measures are still based on traditional software and hardware architectures, making them inadequate for the dynamic and elastic protection required in cross-domain scenarios, and unable to adapt to the evolving business architecture. There is an urgent need to develop data sharing and interaction security protection technologies based on microservices architecture. Given the massive amount of data generated by power systems and the varying security requirements of different data types, ordinary microservices architectures struggle to address load imbalances under high concurrency scenarios in power systems. To tackle these issues, this paper proposes a microservice scheduling algorithm for data security capabilities based on the Kepler Optimization Algorithm (KOA), aiming to achieve load balancing and enhance the system's high concurrency handling capacity. By thoroughly modeling the resources of cloud cluster nodes and the performance of microservices, an optimization model is constructed with the goal of balancing cluster load and minimizing microservice runtime. Experimental results show that the KOA-based data security capability microservice scheduling algorithm significantly improves server load balancing, enhances cluster system processing efficiency, and reduces task response time, effectively boosting the system's concurrency performance.
Key words : microservices;load balancing;high concurrency;Kepler Optimization Algorithm




目前,存在两种常用的开源微服务架构:Dubbo和Spring Cloud[6]。它们仅提供了一些简单的负载均衡策略,无法应对高并发下的负载均衡。针对这一不足,相关学者提出了一些动态负载均衡算法,但这些算法考虑的负载参数较少,且未考虑微服务之间的依赖关系对负载平衡的影响,结果表明在高并发情况下,这些算法的负载均衡效果还有待提高。因此需要一种能够应对高并发场景的微服务负载均衡算法。





(1.国网智能电网研究院有限公司 电力网络安全防护与监测技术实验室,江苏 南京 210000;

2.国网福建省电力有限公司,福建 福州 350003)

