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一种改进的基于Mask R-CNN的玉米大斑病实例分割算法
1.浙江农林大学 数学与计算机科学学院; 2.浙江省林业智能监测与信息技术研究重点实验室
摘要: 玉米作为我国主粮作物,其生产常受大斑病、小斑病、锈病等病害及虫害影响,导致其产量与品质下降,威胁农业生产安全。近年来,视觉检测技术因其高准确性已成为病害防控的重要工具。以Mask R-CNN为基础框架,通过融入DyHead、Groie和OHEM模块进行优化,旨在提升对细微病灶图像的分割效能。改良后的模型在病害图像分割任务上展现出卓越性能,平均精度(mAP)提升4%,尤其在小目标分割上准确率提高8.5%,相较于YOLOv5、YOLACT++等同类模型优势显著。通过消融实验验证了各新增模块的有效性,证实该模型为精准检测玉米大斑病提供了有力的技术支持与理论依据。
中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.244871
中文引用格式: 朱宇浩,童孟军. 一种改进的基于Mask R-CNN的玉米大斑病实例分割算法[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(5):71-76.
英文引用格式: Zhu Yuhao,Tong Mengjun. An improved Mask R-CNN based instance segmentation algorithm for maize Northern Leaf Blight[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(5):71-76.
An improved Mask R-CNN based instance segmentation algorithm for maize Northern Leaf Blight
Zhu Yuhao1,Tong Mengjun1,2
1.College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Zhejiang A&F University;2.Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Forestry Intelligent Monitoring and Information Technology Research
Abstract: Maize, a crucial staple crop in China, is frequently beset by production challenges stemming from diseases such as maize Northern Leaf Blight, Southern Corn Leaf Blight, and rust, along with insect pests. These maladies significantly undermine maize yield and quality, presenting a potential menace to agricultural production stability. In recent times, visual disease detection techniques have emerged as pivotal instruments for disease management, offering heightened precision relative to conventional methods. This paper leverages the Mask R-CNN architecture as its foundation, integrating DyHead, Groie, and OHEM modules to augment the model's proficiency in segmenting images containing minute disease manifestations. The enhanced Mask R-CNN model exhibits outstanding performance in disease image segmentation, witnessing a 4% uplift in mean average precision (mAP) and an 8.5% enhancement in accuracy for small object segmentation. Compared to analogous instance segmentation models like YOLOv5 and YOLACT++, this model displays superior prowess. To substantiate the utility of each incorporated module, ablation studies were carried out, revealing their constructive roles. Thus, this methodology furnishes a sturdy theoretical underpinning and technological means for the efficacious and precise detection of maize Northern Leaf Blight.
Key words : instance segmentation;Northern Leaf Blight;Mask R-CNN;computer vision;attention mechanism



玉米大斑病(Northern Leaf Blight, NLB)是一种严重的农作物病害,可以显著降低玉米产量,是影响玉米作物经济最为严重的疾病之一[4]。玉米大斑病的发生是由真菌侵入引起的,主要影响玉米植株的叶片。在早期阶段,受影响的植株在叶片表面呈现水浸状病斑。这些病斑逐渐向两端扩展,最终演变成灰褐色或褐色斑点。在玉米大斑病的后期阶段,这些斑点的形状转变为椭圆形或菱形图案,长度为6 cm~9 cm,宽度约为1.5 cm[5]。由玉米大斑病引起的病区通常较大,可以通过摄像机拍摄的图像清晰可见。与传统的人工田间检查相比,使用摄像机图像是监测玉米大斑病的有效方法之一。






(1.浙江农林大学 数学与计算机科学学院,浙江 杭州 311300;

2.浙江省林业智能监测与信息技术研究重点实验室,浙江 杭州 311300)

