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1.桂林电子科技大学 信息与通信学院, 广西 桂林 541004;2.北京三星通信技术研究有限公司,北京 100028
摘要: 非正交多址接入(Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, NOMA)下行多用户传输场景中,基站将发送给多个用户的信息在频率域进行叠加,各用户通过串行干扰消除(Successive Interference Cancellation, SIC)来消除其他用户的干扰。在解调和SIC前,需要进行多用户的参数盲检测, 从而降低NOMA 系统信令开销。通过对星座图的形状特征的利用,提出一种基于小波聚类的多参数盲检测算法,该算法利用到了聚类中的网格法。仿真结果表明,提出的算法检测性能优于经典的基于对数最大似然估计(Max-Log Likelihood Estimation, MLLE)算法且计算复杂度与之相当。 关键词:NOMA;盲检测;小波聚类;网格法
中文引用格式: 刘佳,张浩,王波. 一种基于小波聚类的NOMA系统SIC盲检测算法[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(12):114-119.
英文引用格式: Liu Jia,Zhang Hao,Wang Bo. A novel blind detection algorithm for successive interference cancellation in NOMA system based on wavelet cluster[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(12):114-119.
A novel blind detection algorithm for successive interference cancellation in NOMA system based on wavelet cluster
Liu Jia1,2,Zhang Hao1,Wang Bo1
1.School of Information and Communication Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China; 2.Samsung Research China-Beijing (SRC-B), Beijing 100028,China
Abstract: In NOMA downlink multi user transmission scenario, the base station transmits a data packet by multi-user superposition to a destination in the frequency domain. In this system, successive interference cancellation (SIC) receiver is used to eliminate the co-channel interference for each user. Before demodulation and SIC, a blind detection for multi user parameter is required to reduce the signaling overhead of the NOMA system. By utilizing the shape features of constellation map, a blind detection algorithm for multi parameters based on wavelet clustering is proposed, which utilizes the grid-based method in clustering. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves higher detection performance than the max-log likelihood estimation (MLLE) algorithm under the approximate computation complexity.
Key words : NOMA;blind detection;wavelet cluster;grid-based method

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为大规模无线设备和数据传输提供有效支持,是当前5G及下一代蜂窝网无线通信6G的主要目标[1]。非正交多址接入(Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, NOMA)系统在发送端进行了叠加编码技术, 且在接收端采用串行干扰消除(Successive Interference Cancellation, SIC)接收机来消减干扰,因此,相比正交多址接入(Orthogonal Multiple Access, OMA)系统,NOMA系统SIC具有更高的频谱效率[2]。由于NOMA系统接收机的正常工作离不开接收端用户设备的网络层参数,比如预编码矩阵指示(Pre-coded Matrix Index, PMI)、调制阶数(Modulation Order)和秩指示(Rank Index, RI)等。然而,这些网络层参数都是由无线资源控制(Radio Resource Control, RRC)信令携带[3],这些网络层参数在NOMA系统中传输相对于OMA系统而言会增加信令的消耗[4]。为了降低信令的开销,需要对多用户的这些动态信令进行全部或者部分盲检测




(1.桂林电子科技大学 信息与通信学院, 广西 桂林 541004;2.北京三星通信技术研究有限公司,北京 100028)

