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基于双线以太网的Modbus TCP-MQTT协议转换网关设计
上海电力大学 自动化工程学院,上海 200090
摘要:随着工业互联网的发展,双线以太网凭借其数据传输和远程供电能力、高效利用空间和节约成本的特点被广泛应用在工业物联和智能制造领域。设计了一种双线以太网协议转换网关,将双线以太网Modbus TCP协议转换为MQTT协议,并将数据发送到阿里云物联网平台。首先介绍了双线以太网协议转换网关系统使用的硬件和设计的软件构架,再通过搭建实验环境并部署EdgeX Foundry平台验证其可行性。测试结果表明,所设计双线以太网网关的硬件能够进行数据传输,双线以太网网口在不同的带宽和长度的条件下能达到理论的传输速率,双线以太网网关的软件能正常接收Modbus TCP数据并实现MQTT通信。 关键词:双线以太网;网关;协议转换
中图分类号:TP273;TP393.11 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.234341
中文引用格式:马涛,于会群,彭道刚,等. 基于双线以太网的Modbus TCP-MQTT协议转换网关设计[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(12):108-113.
英文引用格式:Ma Tao,Yu Huiqun,Peng Daogang,et al. Development of Modbus TCP-MQTT protocol transfer gateway based on single pair Ethernet[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(12):108-113.
Development of Modbus TCP-MQTT protocol transfer gateway based on single pair Ethernet
Ma Tao,Yu Huiqun,Peng Daogang,Sun Haoyi
School of Automation Engineering,Shanghai University of Electric Power,Shanghai 200090,China
Abstract:With the development of the industrial Internet, single pair Ethernet is widely used in the field of industrial IoT and intelligent manufacturing with its data transmission and remote power supply capabilities, efficient use of space and cost savings. The single pair Ethernet protocol conversion gateway designed in this paper converts the single pair Ethernet Modbus TCP protocol to MQTT protocol, and sends the data to Ali Cloud Internet of Things platform. This paper first introduces the hardware and software architecture of the single pair Ethernet protocol conversion gateway system, and then verifies its feasibility by setting up the experimental environment and deploying the EdgeX Foundry platform. The test results show that the hardware of the single pair Ethernet gateway designed in this paper can carry out data transmission, the single pair Ethernet network port can reach the theoretical transmission rate under different bandwidth and length conditions, and the software of the single pair Ethernet gateway can receive Modbus TCP data normally and realize MQTT communication.
Key words :single pair Ethernet;gateway;protocol conversion

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双线以太网目前主要应用在汽车工业领域[5],从2022年开始双线以太网将逐渐应用在流程工业,2025年将应用在铁道行业、智能机器人、工业自动化领域,并于2028年应用在楼宇自动化中。由此来看,双线以太网的发展能在特定的方面替代传统的以太网技术,还有更多的价值能够被挖掘。随着工业技术发展,工业现场中需要使用长距离数据传输的通信协议规范,因此行业内推出一种专门为工业通信的通信协议规范,遵循IEEE802.3cg 10BASE-T1L通信标准,极限通信距离为 1 000 m,且通信带宽为10 Mb/s[5]。




(上海电力大学 自动化工程学院,上海 200090)

