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电子技术应用 11期
(中国电子科技集团公司第五十八研究所,江苏 无锡 214035)
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223542
引用格式: 张志强,刘绍辉,刘骁知,等. 一种基于系统级封装技术的控制器设计与验证[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(11):55-61.
Design and verification of controller based on system in package technology
Zhang Zhiqiang,Liu Shaohui,Liu Xiaozhi,Wen Yongsen,Wang Rui
(No.58 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Wuxi 214035,China)
Abstract:With the advent of the post-Moore era, it has become a new direction for the development of the integrated circuit industry to meet the miniaturization and integration of the system through system-level packaging technology. In view of the large demand for low power consumption, miniaturization and integration of controllers in the current market, this paper proposes a system-level packaging technology. Based on a series of design methods such as principle design, package structure design, layout design, signal integrity simulation, power integrity simulation, and thermal stress simulation, combined with the current domestic manufacturing process level, a fully localized controller integrated chip was developed. The integrated chip takes FPGA as the control core, integrates the RF local oscillator signal source and DDS signal source, and realizes the functions of control, output and communication of the RF signal source. Finally, through the test and verification of the sample, the chip has stable function and reliable index, which meets the requirements of technical indicators. Compared with the controller board, the designed integrated chip greatly reduces the power consumption of the product, realizes the miniaturization and integration of the controller, meets the current market application requirements, and provides technical and feasibility reference for the subsequent research of controller integrated chips.
Key words :system in package;controller;integrated chip;RF signal source


目前,集成电路芯片制造工艺的特征尺寸已到达5 nm,制造工艺的特征尺寸开始向3 nm甚至1 nm迈进,遵循摩尔定律的晶体管特征尺寸等比例缩小的发展趋势已开始放缓,成本却在大幅提高,而且集成电路技术的工艺节点也逐步接近其物理极限,集成电路行业已进入后摩尔时代[1]。在后摩尔时代,通过系统级封装技术(System in Package,SiP)来实现片上系统的小型化、多功能化和集成化已成为集成电路行业发展的新方向。

SiP技术是将多个有源器件(芯片)和无源器件(电阻、电容等)通过异构的方式封装到一起,以实现特定系统功能的单个集成芯片技术[2]。按封装体内元器件的排列方式不同,SiP可分为2D平铺封装和3D堆叠封装[3]。SiP芯片内部的键合方式又可以分为单纯的引线键合(Wire Bonding,WB)方式及倒装键合(Flip Chip,FC)方式,或者两种方式混合使用。因此根据芯片的不同排列方式以及不同的内部键合技术的组合搭配,使SiP芯片的设计产生多样化的组合。


文献[9]研究表明,在SiP应用市场中,射频模组所占的市场份额最大,而控制器是射频模组整机系统中最重要的单元之一,采用SiP技术将大大加快控制器小型化、集成化进程。但从研发角度而言,要推出一款成熟的高集成度SiP产品,还面临诸多技术挑战,首先,由于高度的集成化,使SiP芯片的尺寸更小,信号间的干扰也更加严重,封装体内的热密度也更高,因而SiP芯片的信号完整性(Signal Integrity,SI)、电源完整性(Power Integrity,PI)及散热问题愈发突出[10]。其次,SiP芯片的实现对封装制造工艺也有较高的要求。


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(中国电子科技集团公司第五十八研究所,江苏 无锡 214035)
