您所在的位置: 首页> 测试测量> 设计应用> 风云三号卫星监测海洋浒苔、赤潮和溢油*
电子技术应用 2023年10期
(1.国家卫星气象中心 遥感室,北京 100081;2.中国气象局地球系统数值预报中心卫星资料同化室,北京 100081; 3.许健民气象卫星创新中心,北京100081;4.中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室,北京100081; 5.南京信息工程大学 气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210044;6.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081)
中图分类号:P407.8 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.233856
中文引用格式:希爽,方程格格,翁富忠,等. 风云三号卫星监测海洋浒苔、赤潮和溢油[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(10):106-111.
英文引用格式:Xi Shuang,Fang Chenggege,Weng Fuzhong,et al. Ulva prolifera,red tide and oil spill remote sensing monitoring using FY-3 satellite[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(10):106-111.
Ulva prolifera,red tide and oil spill remote sensing monitoring using FY-3 satellite
Xi Shuang1,2,3,4,Fang Chenggege2,5,Weng Fuzhong2,6,Han Xiuzheng1,3,4,Yang Jun2,6
(1.Office of Remote Sensing Application, National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081, China; 2.Satellite Assimilation Division,Center for Earth System Modelling and Prediction of CMA, Beijing 100081, China; 3.Innovation Center for Fengyun Meteorological Satellite , Beijing 100081, China; 4.Key Laboratory of Radiometric Calibration and Validation for Environmental Satellites, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China;5.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China; 6.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)
Abstract:The quantitative remote sensing monitoring of Fengyun satellite for Marine environmental disasters (ulva prolifera, red tide and oil spill) should to be improved. This paper uses the MERSI data of FY-3D satellite data, as well as some high-resolution satellite data,to explore methods to solve the two technical difficulties of atmospheric correction and cloud detection. Based on the spectral characteristics of ulva prolifera, red tide and oil spill, relevant monitoring algorithms were established for identifications of ulva prolifera, red tide and oil spill, and there were good monitoring performances in corresponding cases.
Key words :ulva prolifera;red tide;oil spill;satellite remote sensing monitoring;FY-3D satellite

0 引言

海洋环境灾害如浒苔赤潮溢油,给人类生产生活带来严重影响,需要及时发布监测预警。卫星资料具有高时空分辨率、观测范围广的特点,能够监测没有常规资料的海洋上空。浒苔、赤潮和溢油与海水之间存在光谱特征差异,使得卫星遥感监测海洋环境灾害事件成为可能。在数据质量方面,风云三号D星中分辨率光谱成像仪Ⅱ型(FY-3D MERSI-II)数据质量完全可以与国际上同类先进仪器数据相比[1-3],在遥感监测方面,风云三号卫星资料[4-6]在天气分析和陆地环境遥感监测等方面业务应用较多,但海洋环境监测能力则有待提升。





(1.国家卫星气象中心 遥感室,北京 100081;2.中国气象局地球系统数值预报中心卫星资料同化室,北京 100081;
5.南京信息工程大学 气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210044;6.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081)

