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(南京邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院 通信与网络技术国家地方联合工程研究中心,江苏 南京 210023)
摘要:随着以“星链”卫星为代表的低轨(LEO)互联网卫星系统的快速发展,星载相控阵列天线的应用数量飞速增长,未来LEO互联网卫星便于提供星载电磁波到达方向(DOA)检测能力。卫星覆盖区内的非法干扰进行定位排查,是未来互联网卫星系统正常运维的重要保障。目前常用的双星到达时差(TDOA)/到达频差(FDOA)定位体制存在定位误差显著增大的“定位盲区”造成盲区内的干扰源无法定位的问题,提出了一种基于加权最小二乘约束优化模型的TDOA/DOA双星干扰源定位技术体制。分析了几何稀释精度因子(GDOP)的定位误差,仿真实验表明该定位方法具有不存在“定位盲区”的优点,在经纬度张角为4^∘×4^∘的波束范围内定位误差小于0.2 km,定位误差的地理平均为0.112 km,满足非法干扰定位排查的应用需求。通过定位解算的根均方差(RMSE)的蒙特卡洛方法,验证了GDOP误差精度。该定位方法的定位误差地理稳定性优于目前常规的双星TDOA/FDOA定位算法。
中图分类号:TN971 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223574
中文引用格式:周艳,屈德新,张更新. LEO卫星TDOA/DOA定位性能分析[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(9):115-119.
英文引用格式:Zhou Yan,Qu Dexin,Zhang Gengxin. Analysis of LEO satellite TDOA/DOA positioning performance[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(9):115-119.
Analysis of LEO satellite TDOA/DOA positioning performance
Zhou Yan,Qu Dexin,Zhang Gengxin
(National Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Communication and Network Technology, College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Internet satellite systems represented by “Star Link”, the number of applications of spaceborne phased array antennas has grown rapidly. In the future, LEO Internet satellites are easy to provide space-borne electromagnetic wave direction of arrival (DOA) detection capabilities. Positioning and investigation of illegal interference in the coverage area of the satellite is an important guarantee for the normal operation and maintenance of the future Internet satellite system. At present, the commonly used TDOA / FDOA positioning system has the problem that the interference source in the blind area cannot be located due to the “positioning blind area” where the positioning error increases significantly. This paper proposes a TDOA / DOA dual-satellite interference source positioning technology system based on the weighted least squares constraint optimization model. The positioning error of geometric dilution of precision factor (GDOP) is analyzed. The simulation results show that the positioning method has the advantage of no “blind spot”. The positioning error is less than 0.2 km in the beam range of 4^∘×4^∘latitude and longitude, and the geographical average of positioning error is 0.112 km, which meets the application requirements of illegal interference positioning and troubleshooting. The accuracy of GDOP error is verified by the Monte Carlo method of root mean square error (RMSE). The geographical stability of the positioning error of this positioning method is better than that of the conventional two-satellite TDOA / FDOA positioning algorithm.
Key words :satellite passive positioning;TDOA;DOA;weighted least squares;GDOP

0 引言


目前干扰源卫星定位的常用体制是双星到达时间差(Time Difference of Arrival,TDOA)/到达频率差(Frequency Difference of Arrival,FDOA)定位系统和多星时差定位系统[2]。双星时/频差定位使用卫星数量较少,因此应用最多。但是,双星时/频差定位体制存在定位误差显著增大的“盲区”,这些盲区存在造成定位性能不稳定的问题。对应具有星载相控阵天线的卫星,利用单颗卫星对干扰源波达方向(Direction of Arrival,DOA)的测量,可对地表干扰源完成定位任务,但是定位误差较大。TDOA/DOA混合定位系统可以解决上述问题,具有更稳定的性能。


目前TDOA/DOA联合的定位方法由已广泛应用于蜂窝移动网络定位场景中,然而,并没有给出目标源的定位误差几何稀释精度因子(Geometric Dilution of Precision,GDOP)的分布形式。对于现有的CGCS2000国家大地坐标系与1984世界大地坐标系,它们采用的参考椭球非常接近,仅扁率的细小差别会造成同一定位点在两个坐标系中的值有微小差异,在卫星导航定位中,要求精度大于两坐标系的点位坐标差异,不需要顾及坐标系框架间的差的差异,那么WGS84下的定位结果可视作CGCS2000下的定位结果。所以本文对于双星TDOA/DOA联合定位系统,在文献[8]所提出的定位闭合形式算法基础上,联合双星的DOA观测量与TDOA观测量,采用WGS-84地球椭球模型作为约束条件,建立起目标源位置参数与观测量之间的伪线性关系,从而计算出目标位置解。最后对双星TDOA/DOA定位的星下点附近的GDOP进行仿真和分析,比较分析了双星时/频差定位的星下点附近的GDOP分布 ,验证了算法对目标源位置低敏感性。




(南京邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院 通信与网络技术国家地方联合工程研究中心,江苏 南京 210023)

