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(1.福州大学 先进制造学院,福建 泉州 362251;2.中国科学院 海西研究院泉州装备制造研究中心,福建 泉州 362216; 3.福建柒牌时装科技股份有限公司,福建 泉州 362200)
摘要: 针对服装行业受时尚潮流影响,物料型号更新迅速,导致仓库库存结构混乱、作业效率低下的问题,设计一种将Apriori算法同改进遗传算法结合(AIGA)的储位优化方法。首先Apriori算法挖掘物料组间关联规则,将相关性较强物料组合并形成大类库区,按照大类拣货频次动态调整库区位置;其次结合物料相关性和拣货频次,以最小化拣货距离为主要优化目标建立储位分配模型。通过遗传算法进行储位分配搜索,并改进遗传算法的初始化、交叉和变异算子,同时设计灾变机制,提高算法搜索性能。结果表明,与现有储位分配方案相比,拣货距离平均缩短23.85%,有效提高仓库作业效率。
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.233851
中文引用格式: 周叶,连明昌,陈松航,等. 基于关联规则和遗传算法的服装辅料储位优化[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(9):90-96.
英文引用格式: Zhou Ye,Lian Mingchang,Chen Songhang,et al. Optimization of clothing accessories storage allocation based on association rules and genetic algorithm[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(9):90-96.
Optimization of clothing accessories storage allocation based on association rules and genetic algorithm
Zhou Ye1,2,Lian Mingchang2,Chen Songhang2,Wu Jiabin3,Chen Hao2
(1.School of Advanced Manufacturing, Fuzhou University, Quanzhou 362251, China; 2.Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing, Haixi Institutes, Chinese Academy of Science, Quanzhou 362216, China; 3.Fujian Seven Brand Fashion & Technology Co., Ltd., Quanzhou 362200, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the clothing industry is affected by fashion trends and the material model is updated rapidly, which leads to the confusion of warehouse inventory structure and low efficiency of operation, a storage location optimization method combining Apriori algorithm with improved genetic algorithm (AIGA) is designed. First of all, Apriori algorithm mines the association rules between material groups, combines the materials with strong correlation to form a large class of warehouse area, and dynamically adjusts the location of the warehouse area according to the large class picking frequency. Secondly, based on the material correlation and picking frequency, a storage allocation model is established with the main objective of minimizing the picking distance. The storage allocation search is carried out by genetic algorithm, and the initialization, crossover and mutation operators of genetic algorithm are improved, and the catastrophe mechanism is designed to improve the search performance of the algorithm. The results show that compared with the existing storage allocation scheme, the picking distance is reduced by 23.85% on average, and the warehouse operation efficiency is effectively improved.
Key words : location allocation;association rules;genetic algorithm;catastrophic operation;clothing accessories warehouse

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储位分配问题已经被证明是NP-hard问题[2]。目前多数研究利用物料间相关信息,采用元启发式算法进行优化[3]。Chen等提出基于两阶段式禁忌搜索方法来优化最小化平均行走时间[4]。Rani等以检索时间和频次为目标建立多目标优化模型,通过遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)计算储位分配[5]。但传统遗传算法存在收敛过早、局部搜索能力差等问题[6] 。焦玉玲等针对收敛过早问题,提出多种群遗传算法,以货物出入库效率、货架稳定性及产品关联性为目标建立模型获得分配结果[7]。朱杰等针对遗传算法易陷入局部最优,将模拟退火算法与遗传算法结合来优化储位分配模型[8]。少数学者引入数据挖掘方法进行储位优化[9]。Chiang等提出基于关联规则的自适应库位分配方法,拣选距离较传统分类方法提升明显[10-11]。Pang等采用关联规则挖掘订单物料间的关系最小化拣货距离[12]。

上述研究多数采用一次性优化策略来处理储位分配问题,无法根据订单变化进行储位调整。而且研究领域主要集中在电商仓库,对服装辅料仓库研究较少。本文针对服装辅料仓库储位分配问题,设计一种基于Apriori算法和改进遗传算法(Apriori Improved Genetic Algorithm,AIGA)的储位优化方法,首先采用Apriori算法挖掘订单信息,根据订单变化动态生成调整库区划分,将库区划分结果作为遗传算法产生初始种群条件,提高初始种群质量;其次设计灾变机制和改进交叉变异算子,提高遗传算法全局搜索能力,寻找合适的储位分配方案,降低出入库行走距离,提高现场人员作业效率。




(1.福州大学 先进制造学院,福建 泉州 362251;2.中国科学院 海西研究院泉州装备制造研究中心,福建 泉州 362216;3.福建柒牌时装科技股份有限公司,福建 泉州 362200)

