Building and applying a data valuation assessment model of cyberspace surveying assets
Yao Wangjun,Zheng Er,Liu Hong,Song Dong,Su Majing
(National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract::Most of the cyberspace surveying and mapping systems have the functions of collecting port response information, sorting out cyber assets attack surface, association analysis and aggregation statistics. They have accumulated billions of network asset data, but still lack of the assessment for the value of the cyberspace asset data, and impossible to quantitatively determine the value of network asset data. The cyberspace surveying and mapping asset data valuation assessment model proposed in this paper can evaluate the value of each piece of network asset data, and determine the importance level of the data value based on the assessment score. The model can be applied in the aspects of sorting out the exposure of cyber assets attack surface belonging to an organization, tracking and monitoring the changes in the network assets attributes, and comparing the data value of different cyberspace surveying and mapping systems. At the same time, it can provide convenience for security researchers and network asset managers to grasp the security trend of network targets of their attention.
Key words :cyberspace surveying; cyber assets attack surface; cyber assets data valuation assessment model