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基于BLE Mesh的资产定位系统设计
(重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院,重庆 400065)
摘要:针对当前资产定位系统定位精度、建设成本和部署灵活性难以有效平衡的问题,基于BLE Mesh采用多维标度分析(MultiDimensional Scaling-Map, MDS-MAP)定位算法设计了一种资产定位系统。系统首先对原始接收信号强度(Received Signal Strength Indicator, RSSI)进行高斯-卡尔曼融合滤波,提高了RSSI值的准确性;然后利用生存时间(Time To Live, TTL)对中继节点进行约束,提高了数据传输的有效性;最后利用半径弥补法与Bellman-Ford融合迭代方案对生成的距离矩阵进行修正,减小了测距误差。实验结果表明,所设计的系统可有效完成蓝牙标签信息更新以及位置展示,平均定位精度达到了0.94 m。本系统具有成本低、工程实施方便的优点,有一定的应用价值和发展前景。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223516
中文引用格式:张毅,赵培军,袁玲,等. 基于BLE Mesh的资产定位系统设计[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(7):72-76.
英文引用格式:Zhang Yi,Zhao Peijun,Yuan Ling,et al. Design of assets positioning system based on BLE mesh[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(7):72-76.
Design of assets positioning system based on BLE mesh
Zhang Yi,Zhao Peijun,Yuan Ling,Wang Haoyu,Li Jing
(School of Communication and Information Engineering, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China)
Abstract:It is difficult to effectively balance the positioning accuracy, construction cost, and deployment flexibility of the current asset positioning system. To address this challenge,this paper designs an asset positioning system based on bluetooth low energy (BLE) mesh using multidimensional scaling-map (MDS-MAP) positioning algorithm. Firstly, the original received signal strength indicator (RSSI) value is filtered by Gauss-Kalman fusion to improve its accuracy. Then, time to live (TTL) is used to restrict the relay nodes, which improves the data transmission efficiency. Finally, in order to reduce the ranging error, the range matrix is modified by using the radius compensation method and the Bellman-Ford fusion iteration scheme. The experimental results show that the designed system can effectively update the bluetooth tag information and display the location, and the average positioning accuracy reaches 0.94 m. This system has the advantages of low cost and convenient engineering implementation, and has certain application value and development prospect.
Key words :bluetooth low energy (BLE) mesh;received signal strength indicator (RSSI);Gauss-Kalman fusion filtering;TTL constraint;Bellman-Ford algorithm;asset positioning system

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随着BLE Mesh标准的颁布,新一代蓝牙可以实现多对多Mesh组网,它允许节点之间以动态和非分层的方式传输数据,节点之间还可以相互协作,对其他设备的消息进行有效中继。单个节点的故障不会影响到整个网络,相对传统星型网络,这种自组织的网络拓扑结构具有很多优势。它打破了早期蓝牙传输范围受限、部署不够灵活的限制,让以低功耗蓝牙为基础、Mesh为组网结构的BLE Mesh成为了室内定位的新选择。

本文在此基础上提出了一种基于BLE Mesh的资产定位新方案,设计了应用于资产管理的米级自组网定位系统。该系统利用邻居节点间的RSSI值并采用MDS-MDP定位算法实现对资产的定位,相对于当前只能达到“房间级”的方案定位精度更高。虽然其精度没有到达角度(Angle of Arrival, AOA)方案的高,但其具有成本更低、施工方便、灵活性更好的工程应用优势。




(重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院,重庆 400065)

