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网络安全与数据治理 6期
摘要: 告知同意规则虽然是国际通行的个人信息保护规则,但在实践中面临着多重困境。《个人信息保护法》在坚持采纳告知同意规则的同时也对其采取了一系列修正措施。但从《个人信息保护法》的适用现状来看,告知同意规则面临的实践困境并没有得到改善,信息处理者与信息主体之间仍然处于利益失衡的状态。检视《个人信息保护法》所采取的扩张合法性基础、实施信息分类与差异化保护、细化完善同意规则等修正措施,虽然一定程度上纾解了同意规则难以落地的窘况,但仍存在诸多疏漏。应采取引入合法利益豁免机制、构建行政监管机制、发扬个人信息保护设计理念等手段作为告知同意规则改进完善的对症之策。
Review and improvement of informed consent rules in the context of the implementation of Personal Information Protection Law
Luo Chenxin
(Law School of Economics, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200050, China)
Abstract: Although the informed consent rule is an internationally accepted personal information protection rule, it faces multiple dilemmas in practice. While adopting the informed consent rule, the Personal Information Protection Law also adopts a series of amendments to it. However, from the current situation of the application of the Personal Information Protection Law, the practical dilemma faced by the informed consent rule has not been resolved, and the interests between the information processor and the information subject are still in a state of imbalance. Examining the amendment measures adopted by the Personal Information Protection Law, such as expanding the legal basis, implementing the classification and differentiated protection of information, and refining the consent rules, although to a certain extent, the dilemma that the consent rules are difficult to be implemented is alleviated, there are still many problems to be solved. It is necessary to introduce the legal interest exemption mechanism, build the administrative supervision mechanism, and carry forward the design concept of personal information protection as the countermeasures to improve the informed consent rule.
Key words : informed consent; Personal Information Protection Law; exemption of legitimate interests; balance of interests; personal information protection design

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