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电子技术应用 2023年3期
(1.中国运载火箭技术研究院 北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076; 2.中国电子信息产业集团有限公司,广东 深圳 518000)
摘要:聚类是数据挖掘领域最重要的技术之一,K-means是其中使用频率最高的举足轻重的聚类算法。然而,K-means算法表现严重依赖于初始中心,选取多少个初始中心以及选择哪些数据点作为初始中心对K-means算法十分重要。基于此,提出一种初始中心选取方法DPCC(Density Peak Clustering Centers)。DPCC方法基于密度和距离生成一个选取决策图,将数据集中所有的密度峰值点凸显出来。这些密度峰值点即为DPCC方法为K-means算法提供的初始中心。实验表明,DPCC方法不仅可为K-means提供初始中心数量,还能有效提高K-means算法的准确度,并缩减K-means算法的执行时间。
中图分类号:TP3-0 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223066
中文引用格式:李秋云,刘燕武. 一种服务于K-means的初始中心选取方法[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(3):134-138.
英文引用格式:Li Qiuyun,Liu Yanwu. An initial centers selection method serving K-means[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(3):134-138.
An initial centers selection method serving K-means
Li Qiuyun1,Liu Yanwu2
(1.Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering,China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing 100076, China; 2.China Electronics Corporation, Shenzhen 518000, China)
Abstract:Clustering is one of the most important data mining technologies, and K-means is the most famous and commonly used clustering algorithm. However, the performance of K-means depends heavily on the initial centers. It is very important for K-means to select how many initial centers and which data points to choose as the initial centers. Therefore, an initial centers selection method called DPCC (density peak clustering centers) is proposed. DPCC generates a selection decision graph based on density and distance, so as to highlight all density peak points in dataset. These density peak points are the initial centers provided by DPCC for K-means. Experiments show that DPCC not only provides decision support for the number of initial centers, but also improves the accuracy of K-means and reduces the running time of K-means.
Key words :clustering;initial centers;decision graph

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针对上述问题,本文提出一种名为DPCC(Density Peak Clustering Centers)的方法,为K-means算法提供初始中心。DPCC运用于K-means算法之前,通过计算数据点密度以及与高密度数据点间最近距离生成决策图,以凸显数据集中所有的密度峰值点。这些密度峰值点即可作为K-means算法的初始中心。




(1.中国运载火箭技术研究院 北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076;
2.中国电子信息产业集团有限公司,广东 深圳 518000)

