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中国电子信息产业集团有限公司第六研究所,北京 100083
摘要: 随着民航业的飞速发展,给飞机加注油料的保障任务越来越多。目前,飞机加油任务主要由油料供应商调度员根据航班加油信息逐一分配加油任务给加油员,加油员收到任务后驾驶加油保障车辆到达飞机位置进行加油作业。加油业务电子化、信息化、大数据分析等技术的实现逐渐打通了加油系统的信息通道。基于大量多维数据,根据飞机加油业务特点,提供一种用于飞机油料加注加油车的智能派工方法,能够自动进行加油任务分配,避免出现航班延误状况及就此造成的严重资源浪费并能减轻调度员工作量。通过智能派工可以合理调配加油资源,保证飞机及时加油,顺利完成航班保障任务。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222750
中文引用格式: 董岩,蒯亮,任静,等. 飞机油料加注加油车智能派工设计方法研究[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(2):80-85.
英文引用格式: Dong Yan,Kuai Liang,Ren Jing,et al. Study on intelligent dispatching design method of aircraft fuel refueling Vehicle[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(2):80-85.
Study on intelligent dispatching design method of aircraft fuel refueling Vehicle
Dong Yan,Kuai Liang,Ren Jing,Min Xiaoshuang,Yang Yue
The Sixth Research Institute of China Electronics Corporation, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract: With the rapid development of civil aviation industry, more and more tasks are required to fuel the aircraft. At present, the aircraft refueling task is mainly assigned to the refueling personnel by the dispatcher of the fuel supplier, one by one, according to the flight refueling information, after receiving the task, the refueling operator drives the refueling vehicle to the aircraft for refueling operation. The realization of electronic, information and big data analysis technology has gradually opened up the information channel of refueling system. Based on a large number of multi-dimensional data, according to the characteristics of aircraft refueling operation, an intelligent dispatching method for aircraft refueling vehicle is provided, which can automatically assign refueling tasks, avoid flight delays and the resulting serious waste of resources and can reduce the workload of the dispatcher. Through the intelligent dispatch, refueling resources can be reasonably allocated to ensure the timely refueling of aircraft and smooth completion of flight support tasks.
Key words : aircraft refueling dispatching;operators;precise positioning;intelligent dispatching;work fatigue algorithm

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(中国电子信息产业集团有限公司第六研究所,北京 100083)

