网络安全与数据治理 1期
(中山大学法学院 人权法研究中心,广东 广州510006)
摘要: 认证是数据跨境的主要合规路径,也是个人信息保护制度的有机组成。《实施规则》将一般情况下的个人信息保护认证和特殊情景下的个人信息出境认证“合二为一”,对个人信息保护认证体系进行了整体性构建,明确了认证范围、认证依据、认证程序、认证标识等内容,在扩展认证范围、促进数据出境、明确侵权责任、推动国际互认等方面具有重大价值。个人信息保护认证制度实施需要政府、企业等多方主体共同参与,体现出数字时代公私合作的数据治理特征。
中图分类号: D92;G203
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2097-1788.2023.01.008
引用格式: 刘懿阳. 《个人信息保护认证实施规则》背景下的认证制度实施[J].网络安全与数据治理,2023,42(1):61-66.
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2097-1788.2023.01.008
引用格式: 刘懿阳. 《个人信息保护认证实施规则》背景下的认证制度实施[J].网络安全与数据治理,2023,42(1):61-66.
Implementation of the personal information protection certification system based on the Implementation Rules for Personal Information Protection Certification
Liu Yiyang
(Center for Human Rights Law Studies,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510006,China)
Abstract: Authentication is the main compliance path of cross-border data and an organic component of personal information protection system. The Rules for Implementation "integrate" the personal information protection certification in general and the personal information exit certification in special situations, comprehensively construct the personal information protection certification system, and define the certification scope, certification basis, certification procedures, certification marks and other contents. It has great value in expanding the scope of authentication, promoting data exit, clarifying tort liability and promoting international mutual recognition. The implementation of the personal information protection and authentication system requires the participation of the government, enterprises and other parties, which reflects the data governance characteristics of public-private cooperation in the digital era.
Key words : personal information protection;cross-border data flows;certification;cooperative regulation
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(中山大学法学院 人权法研究中心,广东 广州510006)