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张 颖1,张 喆1,龙光利2
1.西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院,陕西 西安710048; 2.陕西理工大学 物理与电信工程学院,陕西 汉中723000
中文引用格式:张颖,张喆,龙光利. 融合轻量化与梯形结构的学生行为检测算法[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(12):47-53.
英文引用格式:Zhang Ying,Zhang Zhe,Long Guangli. Student behavior detection algorithm combining lightweight and trapezoidal structure[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(12):47-53.
Student behavior detection algorithm combining lightweight and trapezoidal structure
Zhang Ying1,Zhang Zhe1,Long Guangli2
1.School of Automation and Information Engineering,Xi′an University of Technology,Xi′an 710048,China; 2.School of Physics and Telecommunications Engineering,Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong 723000,China
Abstract:In order to solve the problem that common target detection algorithms are difficult to apply effectively in classroom scenarios, a student behavior detection algorithm combining lightweight and trapezoidal structure is proposed. The algorithm is based on YOLOv4 architecture, according to the characteristics of target classification and distribution space, a new “trapezoidal” feature fusion structure is proposed, and combined with the MobileNetv2 idea, the model parameters are optimized to obtain a trapezoidal-MobileDarknet19 feature extraction network, which not only reduces the computational load of the network, but also improves the work efficiency. At the same time, it strengthens the information transmission of target features and improves the learning ability of the model. In the scale detection stage, a five-layer DenseNet network is introduced to enhance the network′s detection ability for small targets. The experimental results show that the proposed YOLOv4-ST algorithm is better than the original one. The mAP of YOLOv4 algorithm is improved by 5.5%. Compared with other mainstream algorithms, it has better practicability in the task of student classroom behavior detection.
Key words :trapezoidal structure;student behavior detection;YOLOv4;feature fusion;DenseNet

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近年来,随着深度学习在计算机视觉领域取得了突破性进展[1],Faster-RCNN(Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks)[2]、SSD(Single Shot Detection)[3]、YOLO(You Only Look Once)[4-6]等目标检测算法也相继出现。Zheng等[7]通过一种新的特征融合策略改进Faster R-CNN进行行为检测,但检测精度不高;Liu等[8]提出了一种基于双流结构的改进时空注意力模型,将空间和时间特征分别馈入空间长短期记忆(Long Short-rm Memory,LSTM)和时间LSTM,融合特征来识别视频中的不同动作;2020年,Bochkovskiy等[9]提出YOLOv4算法,该算法的网络骨干结构使用了结合跨阶段部分连接[10](Cross Stage Partial Connection)与Darknet53结合而形成的CSPDarknet53特征提取结构,有效提升了检测精度和速度;Ren等[11]通过在YOLOv4的特征提取结构中添加了跳跃式的连接,能够融合更多的特征,在一定程度上提升了学生行为检测精度,但效率较低。以上研究表明,深度学习用于学生行为检测具有一定的理论基础和实践可行性。虽然许多检测算法在应用领域表现优异,但对于课堂场景来说,学生活动范围有限,受摄像头位置及视觉角度的影响,学生目标较小且行为易受遮挡,导致会出现漏检错检、检测精度低等问题。其次,课堂学生行为检测需要建立特定的学生行为数据集,要从海量的课堂监控视频进行筛选和制作,并选用适合的先验框参数,以适应学生目标尺寸。



张 颖1,张 喆1,龙光利2

(1.西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院,陕西 西安710048;

2.陕西理工大学 物理与电信工程学院,陕西 汉中723000)

