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网络安全与数据治理 3期
崔富鑫,王 辈,刘 焱,李 叶
(合肥本源量子计算科技有限责任公司,安徽 合肥230000)
摘要: 近些年,随着量子计算的发展,以Shor算法为首的量子算法展现了对公钥密码体制的严重威胁。研究者们一方面研究量子算法对公钥密码的攻击实现,一方面着手后量子密码算法的过渡迁移。就此议题,首先介绍几类常用的公钥密码算法和相关量子攻击算法。其次,重点介绍Shor算法以及量子优化等算法攻击公钥密码算法的国内外研究现状,特别是对RSA和ECC的攻击实现以及当前存在的困难。最后,结合当前公钥密码量子攻击的研究进展以及后量子密码的发展,对产学研的未来发展规划作出了一些建议与展望。
中图分类号: TP309
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.03.001
引用格式: 崔富鑫,王辈,刘焱,等. 公钥密码的量子攻击研究现状与展望[J].网络安全与数据治理,2022,41(3):3-12.
Research status and prospect of quantum attacks in public-key cryptography
Cui Fuxin,Wang Bei,Liu Yan,Li Ye
(Hefei Origin Quantum Computing Technology Co.,Ltd.,Hefei 230000,China)
Abstract: In recent years, with the development of quantum computing, quantum algorithms led by Shor′s algorithm have shown a serious threat to the public key cryptography. On the one hand, researchers study the implementation of quantum algorithms on public key cryptography attacks, and on the other hand, they begin to establish post-quantum cryptographic algorithm standards. On this issue, this article firstly introduces several commonly used public-key cryptographic algorithms and some quantum algorithms. Secondly, it focuses on the current research status of public-key cryptographic algorithms attacked by Shor′s algorithm and quantum optimization algorithms, especially the attack implementation of RSA and ECC and the current difficulties in implementation. Finally, combined with the current research progress of public key cryptography attacks under quantum computing and the development of post-quantum cryptography, some suggestions and prospects are made for the future development planning of research institutes.
Key words : public-key cryptography;RSA;ECC;Shor algorithm;quantum optimization algorithm

0 引言

公钥密码体制是密码学史上一类极为重要的发明,它将数学、计算机与密码学紧密结合,并解决了对称密码体制的三大问题:密钥分发、密钥管理和提供不可否认服务。自1976年Diffie与Hellman[1]提出公钥密码的思想以来,密码学家设计了多个具有代表性的公钥密码算法,如Diffie-Hellman密钥交换协议、RSA密码体制、ElGamal加密体制、椭圆曲线密码体制(Elliptic Curve Cryptography,ECC),这些密码算法的安全性建立在一些数学困难问题上。





崔富鑫,王  辈,刘  焱,李  叶

(合肥本源量子计算科技有限责任公司,安徽 合肥230000)

