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无锡中微爱芯电子有限公司,江苏 无锡214072
摘要: 为了缩短MCU芯片开发周期,提出了一种基于MCU芯片FPGA原型验证平台设计。该设计是将传统FPGA原型验证过程中使用FPGA的RAM原型替换程序存储单元,改为使用FPGA双端口RAM替换。其中一个端口控制按照传统的接入方法,另一端口控制信号接到专门的控制逻辑上,独立控制,而且不影响原MCU芯片功能。该方法不仅节省多次FPGA综合实现的时间,而且可以灵活实时监测RAM,方便查错。同时该方法具有通用性,可移植到类似的SoC系统架构FPGA原型验证系统中去。
中图分类号: TP368.1
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 张文文,唐映强. 一种基于MCU芯片的FPGA原型验证平台设计[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(9):59-62.
英文引用格式: Zhang Wenwen,Tang Yingqiang. A FPGA prototype verification platform design based on MCU chip[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(9):59-62.
A FPGA prototype verification platform design based on MCU chip
Zhang Wenwen,Tang Yingqiang
Wuxi i-CORE Electronics Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi 214072,China
Abstract: In order to shorten the development cycle of Microcontroller Unit(MCU) chip,this paper proposes a Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) prototype verification platform design based on MCU chip.The design is to change the FPGA Random Access Memory(RAM) IP replace program storage unit used in the traditional FPGA prototype verification process into the FPGA dual port RAM IP. One port is controlled according to the traditional method,and the other port control signal is connected to the special control logic for independent control without affecting the function of the original MCU.The method not only saves the times of multiple FPGA synthesis,but also can monitor RAM in real time,which is convenient for error detection.At the same time,this method is universal and can be transplanted to FPGA prototype verification based on similar System on Chip(SoC) architecture.
Key words : MCU chip;FPGA prototype;verification platform;dual port RAM;reusable

0 引言

    随着对各种功能微控制单元(Microcontroller Unit,MCU)芯片的市场需求增加,怎么缩短MCU芯片开发周期成为抢占市场一个关键难点。MCU芯片验证在研发中所占的比例越来越重,占据了整个研发周期的70%以上,缩短验证周期就是直接有效的办法[1-3]。通常进行前仿真验证功能,后仿真验证时序性能,而仿真速度太慢,在遇到问题改设计后,如果只选择验证修改部分的功能,验证覆盖率达不到会减小流片的成功率。

    用现场可编程逻辑门阵列(Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)验证功能可以比软件仿真速度高出4~6个数量级[4],填补了仿真环境与实际芯片的巨大差距。对于仿真时间限制不能遍历的情况,FPGA原型验证都可以轻松完成。同时,FPGA可以给软件设计人员提供硬件验证平台,软件和芯片同时开发可以加快产品的面市时间。





(无锡中微爱芯电子有限公司,江苏 无锡214072)

