您所在的位置: 首页> 测试测量> 设计应用> 基于虚拟仪器的显示器音频自动测试系统设计
卢 毅1,2,徐 胜1,2,林志贤1,2,3,林珊玲2,3,郭太良1,2
1.福州大学 物理与信息工程学院,福建 福州350116;2.中国福建光电信息科学与技术创新实验室,福建 福州350116; 3.福州大学 先进制造学院,福建 泉州362200
中文引用格式:卢毅,徐胜,林志贤,等. 基于虚拟仪器的显示器音频自动测试系统设计[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(8):81-85.
英文引用格式:Lu Yi,Xu Sheng,Lin Zhixian,et al. Design of an automatic test system for display audio based on virtual instruments[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(8):81-85.
Design of an automatic test system for display audio based on virtual instruments
Lu Yi1,2,Xu Sheng1,2,Lin Zhixian1,2,3,Lin Shanling2,3,Guo Tailiang1,2
1.College of Physics and Information Engineering,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350116,China; 2.Fujian Science & Technology Innovation Laboratory for Optoelectronic Information of China,Fuzhou 350116,China; 3.School of Advanced Manufacturing,Fuzhou University,Quanzhou 362200,China
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of time-consuming and lengthy problems caused by tedious manual operation in the traditional display audio test process, this paper combines the basic principles of display audio test to propose a display audio automatic test system based on virtual instrument technology. The program designs the communication circuit between the PC and the display to be tested, and realizes remote communication through the mixed programming of LabVIEW and VC++. Then, the control of the measuring instrument is realized through the related tools of the virtual instrument. Finally, combined with the audio test steps,the system test process is designed to realize the automatic execution of the full test project. Experimental verification shows that compared with manual operation, the system has a higher degree of automation under the same accuracy, and the average test time is shortened by 84.25%, which provides a practical reference scheme for automatic audio testing of display devices.
Key words :audio testing;automated test systems;virtual instrument

0 引言

在视听设备的快速发展下,音频测试[1-2]成为显示器检测的重要一环。传统的显示器音频测试以仪器为主,需通过不断调整、测量、记录仪器的各项电气指标,整个过程需要人工值守,冠捷显示科技集团作为全球最大的显示器生产商,测试人员根据其标准测试程序(Standard Operating Procedure,SOP)进行测试至少需要35 min,耗费大量人力及时间。目前,许多学者提出了一些自动测试方案,文献[3]提出一种利用数据采集卡及人工耳开发的测试系统,能够实时检测待测设备的音质以及音效;文献[4]提出并设计了一套基于LabVIEW的采集系统,利用NI的采集卡替代仪器测量车载音响的调频及功放,采集结果接近仪器精度;文献[5]提出一种音频芯片测试系统,系统基于FPGA和DDS实现,能够输出各种频率分量,并采集芯片的相关参数。上述研究成果大多通过采集卡、FPGA的形式设计,有灵活性高、成本低的优势,但相对测量仪器测量精度较低,且未提出一个针对显示器音频测试的系统化方案。



卢 毅1,2,徐 胜1,2,林志贤1,2,3,林珊玲2,3,郭太良1,2

(1.福州大学 物理与信息工程学院,福建 福州350116;2.中国福建光电信息科学与技术创新实验室,福建 福州350116;

3.福州大学 先进制造学院,福建 泉州362200)

