您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 基于时频色谱图的串联故障电弧识别
王 毅1,罗章权1,李松浓2,陈 涛2,侯兴哲2,付秀元3
1.重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院,重庆400065;2.国网重庆市电力公司电力科学研究院,重庆400014; 3.国家电投集团数字科技有限公司,北京100080
摘要: 由于电力线老化损坏以及连接处松动会产生故障电弧,可能会意外引起严重的电气火灾。不同类型的负载所引起的故障电弧存在差异,导致住宅区故障电弧识别变得困难。提出了一种基于时频图和深度卷积神经网络的串联故障电弧识别的方法。通过故障电弧实验采集了负载正常工作和故障电弧的电流数据。单个负载半周期电流数据将通过连续小波变换转换为三维特征图像,然后将这些图像输入到改进的深度卷积神经网络中进行训练、测试。实验结果表明,单个负载正常和电弧状态识别的精度在99.31%,对多个负载工作状态的识别准确率平均可以达到99.2%。
中图分类号: TM501.2
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 王毅,罗章权,李松浓,等. 基于时频色谱图的串联故障电弧识别[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(8):70-75.
英文引用格式: Wang Yi,Luo Zhangquan,Li Songnong,et al. Identification of series fault arc based on time-frequency chromatogram[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(8):70-75.
Identification of series fault arc based on time-frequency chromatogram
Wang Yi1,Luo Zhangquan1,Li Songnong2,Chen Tao2,Hou Xingzhe2,Fu Xiuyuan3
1.Communication and Information Engineering,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,China; 2.Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company,Chongqing 400014,China; 3.State Power Investment Corporation Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100080,China
Abstract: The aging and damage of the power line and the loose connection will cause a fault arc, which may accidentally cause a serious electrical fire. There are differences in arc faults caused by different types of loads, which makes it difficult to identify arc faults in residential areas. This paper presents a method of series fault arc recognition based on time-frequency diagram and deep convolutional neural network. Through the arc fault experiment, the current data of the normal load and the fault arc are collected. The single load half-cycle current data will be converted into three-dimensional feature images through continuous wavelet transform(CWT), and then these images will be input into the improved convolutional neural network(CNN) for training and testing. The experimental results show that the accuracy of identifying the normal and arc status of a single load is above 99.31%,the accuracy of identifying the working status of multiple loads can reach 99.2% on average.
Key words : series fault arc;time-frequency diagram;convolutional neural network

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    随着国内外对故障电弧火灾危险性认识的不断加深,国内外分别制定了GB14287与UL1699标准[2-3],标志着国内外故障电弧检测技术的发展进入了一个新阶段[4]。近年来,许多学者已经开始研究故障电弧。一些学者通过热、光、电磁辐射、电压等信息进行特征进行故障电弧检测[5-7]。由于故障电弧的位置是未知的,因此很难通过以上方法对住宅区故障电弧进行检测。相反,故障电弧电流测量的方便性使其成为了故障电弧检测的理想特征。Jiang[8]等人通过主成分分析算法将提取到的9个电流信号的时域和频域特征降维为3个特征,结合支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)进行故障电弧识别;龙官微[9]等人将电流信号的傅里叶系数、梅尔倒谱系数和小波特征作为特征量输入到深层神经网络,用于识别正常和故障电流;Wang[10]等人在通过电流的谐波分量占比、时域的积分、方差等特征对负载类型识别之后,再结合不同的神经网络进行故障电弧识别;鲍光海[11]等人通过分析电弧熄灭重燃时高频剩余磁通的耦合信号,利用高阶统计量工具计算出耦合信号的峭度值并得出统一的阈值进行电弧识别。



王  毅1,罗章权1,李松浓2,陈  涛2,侯兴哲2,付秀元3

(1.重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院,重庆400065;2.国网重庆市电力公司电力科学研究院,重庆400014;


