您所在的位置:首页 > 微波|射频 > 设计应用 > 基于功放、功分技术的微波信号源扩展方法研究
张 恺,许云鹏,陈秋菊,李 秦,柴熙源,吴丛凤,唐运盖
中国科学技术大学,安徽 合肥230026
摘要: 量子超导计算芯片的测试需要几十甚至上百路高频微波信号输入,普通微波信号源一般只有1~2个通道,远远不能满足测试需求;若集成多个信号源以扩展信号通道,不但体积庞大,成本昂贵,信号源的同步控制也是一个难题。针对上述问题,基于功放及功分技术,提出了对微波信号源的一路输出进行等功率扩展的方法,设计了集成了衰减器、功放和功分模块的信号源等幅扩展装置。利用微波信号源、频谱仪、网分等测量仪器搭建实验平台,对所设计信号源扩展装置的性能开展实验研究,同时验证基于功放、功分技术的微波信号源扩展方法。实验结果表明,所提出的方法能保证所扩展信号的中心频率、功率与源信号高度一致,各扩展通道的信号相位稳定性好,相位长期漂移控制在±1°以内,满足了量子超导计算芯片测试的需求。
中图分类号: TN62
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 张恺,许云鹏,陈秋菊,等. 基于功放、功分技术的微波信号源扩展方法研究[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(7):100-104.
英文引用格式: Zhang Kai,Xu Yunpeng,Chen Qiuju,et al. Research on microwave signal source expansion method based on power amplifer and power division techenology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(7):100-104.
Research on microwave signal source expansion method based on power amplifer and power division techenology
Zhang Kai,Xu Yunpeng,Chen Qiuju,Li Qin,Chai Xiyuan,Wu Congfeng,Tang Yungai
University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China
Abstract: The test of the superconducting quantum computing chip requires dozens or even hundreds of high-frequency microwave signal inputs. The ordinary microwave signal source generally only has 1~2 channels, which is far from meeting the test requirements. If multiple signal sources are integrated to expand the signal channel, it will be not only bulky and expensive, but the synchronization control of the signal source will be also a difficult problem. Aiming at the above problems, based on the power amplifier and power division technology, in this paper,a method of equal-amplitude expansion of one output of the microwave signal source has been proposed, and a signal source equal-amplitude expansion device integrating attenuator, power amplifier and power division module has been designed. Then an experimental platform has been built with microwave signal source, spectrum analyzer, network analyzer and other measuring instruments to carry out experimental research on the performance of the designed signal source expansion device and verify the microwave signal source expansion method based on power amplifier and power division technology. The experimental results show that the proposed method can ensure that the amplitude and frequency of the extended signal are highly consistent with the source signal, and the signal phase of each extended channel can be kept stable for a long time, which meets the requirements of superconducting quantum computing chip testing.
Key words : quantum computing;chip testing;RF signal source;channel expansion;power amplifier

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张  恺,许云鹏,陈秋菊,李  秦,柴熙源,吴丛凤,唐运盖

(中国科学技术大学,安徽 合肥230026)

