您所在的位置: 首页> 通信与网络> 设计应用> Allegro基于MySQL数据库的数据录入系统设计
刘 涛1,2,付深圳1,2,张 柱1,2,周 冬1,2
1.高效能服务器和存储技术国家重点实验室,山东 济南250014;2.浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司,山东 济南250014
中文引用格式:刘涛,付深圳,张柱,等. Allegro基于MySQL数据库的数据录入系统设计[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(5):84-88.
英文引用格式:Liu Tao,Fu Shenzhen,Zhang Zhu,et al. Allegro data-recording system based on MySQL database[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(5):84-88.
Allegro data-recording system based on MySQL database
Liu Tao1,2,Fu Shenzhen1,2,Zhang Zhu1,2,Zhou Dong1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of High-end Server & Storage Technology,Jinan 250014,China; 2.Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co.,Ltd.,Jinan 250014,China
Abstract:In order to realize the functions of automatic acquisition, input and storage of PCB data by Allegro software, the secondary development of Allegro software based on SKILL language and the principle of IPC communication are studied. A data input system based on MySQL database is proposed and designed. According to the actual data access requirements and user permissions, the front-end data acquisition module and web page display module are designed. In the front-end data acquisition module, through the study of IPC communication, the communication protocol is formulated, and the communication interface is written with SKILL language and Python language to realize the communication between Allegro software and MySQL database. The web display module uses Java language to display and process the data. Finally, the function test of the data entry system is carried out, and the test results show that it can achieve the expected effect. The design of communication protocol between Allegro software and MySQL database, and the design of communication interface are the key design of the system. The realization of data acquisition module of the system has a strong reference value for the communication between Allegro software and other languages, and the function expansion of web page.
Key words :Allegro;secondary development;interprocess communication(IPC);MySQL

0 引言

近几年随着新基建加快落地,云、大数据、人工智能、区块链、5G等新技术与实体经济将加速融合,随之带来的是计算量的增加。在当前数据为王的时代,计算无处不在,计算量每几个月翻一倍。Open AI根据这些年的实际数据进行拟合,发现最先进AI模型的计算量每3、4个月翻一番,也就是每年增长10倍,比摩尔定律2年增长一倍快得多[1]。数据量的计算离不开背后服务器集群的支撑。


目前PTC公司旗下Windchill与Cadence Concept HDL产品集成度比较高,Windchill可以支持产品开发生命周期,因而允许在Windchill和ERP系统之间互换零件原件、材料清单和工程变更信息。在整个产品制造过程中,产品生命周期事件会自动触发与产品有关的信息的互换,并且它还能保证所有相关系统都同步,包括Concept HDL库。Windchill更擅长的是产片与物料、零部件BOM的管理[2]

上述解决方案对于PCB设计软件CadenceAllegroPCB Editor集成度较低。因此,针对此问题,本文通过研究学习Allegro二次开发,结合IPC通信原理,研究并设计Allegro基于MySQL数据库的数据录入系统。



刘 涛1,2,付深圳1,2,张 柱1,2,周 冬1,2

(1.高效能服务器和存储技术国家重点实验室,山东 济南250014;2.浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司,山东 济南250014)

