您所在的位置: 首页> 其他> 设计应用> 基于深度学习的口罩佩戴检测与跟踪
王 林,南改改
西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院,陕西 西安710048
摘要:佩戴口罩可以有效预防病毒的传播,为减少通过人工方式检查口罩佩戴情况所消耗的大量人力资源,提出一种基于深度学习的口罩佩戴检测与跟踪方法,该方法分为检测和跟踪两个模块。检测模块在YOLOv3网络的基础上引入空间金字塔池化结构,实现不同尺度的特征融合;然后将损失函数改为CIoU损失,减少回归误差,提升检测精度,为后续跟踪模块提供良好的条件。跟踪模块采用多目标跟踪算法Deep SORT,对检测到的目标进行实时跟踪,有效防止重复检测,改善被遮挡目标的跟踪效果。测试结果表明,该方法的检测速度为38 f/s,平均精度值达到为85.23%,相比原始YOLOv3算法提高了4%,能达到实时检测口罩佩戴情况的效果。
中文引用格式:王林,南改改. 基于深度学习的口罩佩戴检测与跟踪[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(5):21-26.
英文引用格式:Wang Lin,Nan Gaigai. Detection and tracking of mask wearing based on deep learning[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(5):21-26.
Detection and tracking of mask wearing based on deep learning
Wang Lin,Nan Gaigai
School of Automation and Information Engineering,Xi′an University of Technology,Xi′an 710048,China
Abstract:Wearing a mask can effectively prevent the spread of the virus. In order to reduce the consumption of a large number of human resources in manual inspection of mask wearing, this paper proposes a method of mask wearing detection and tracking based on deep learning, which is divided into two modules: detection and tracking. Based on the YOLOv3 network, the spatial pyramid pooling structure is introduced into the detection module to realize the feature fusion at different scales, then the loss function is changed to CIoU loss to reduce the regression error improve detection accuracy, and provides good conditions for the subsequent tracking module. The tracking module adopts the multiple object tracking algorithm Deep SORT to track the detected objects in actual time, which can effectively avoid repeated detection and better the tracking effect of the occluded targets. The test results indicate that the detection velocity of this way is 38 f/s, and the average accuracy value is 85.23%, which is 4% higher than the original YOLOV3 algorithm, and can achieve the effect of real-time detection of mask wearing.
Key words :object detection;object tracking;mask wearing detection;YOLOv3;Deep SORT

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目标检测目标跟踪[2]是计算机视觉中的一个基础内容。基于深度学习的目标检测方法大致可以分为两大类:一类是两阶段检测器,最典型的是R-CNN系列,包括R-CNN[3]、Fast R-CNN[4]和Faster R-CNN[5];另一类是单阶段检测器,包括YOLO[6]、SSD[7]和RetinaNet[8]等。其中,YOLOv3[9]是YOLO系列中最为广泛使用的目标检测算法,具有较好的识别速度和检测精度。目标跟踪主要分为生成式方法和判别式方法。前者主要是对目标进行建模,具有代表性的算法有CSK[10]和IVT[11]等;判别式方法相比生成式方法最大的区别在于其不仅学习目标本身,更关注如何将前景和背景分开,具有代表性的算法有KCF[12]和TLD[13]等。作为多目标跟踪的Deep SORT[14]算法是在SORT目标跟踪算法基础上的改进,使用了逐帧数据关联和递归卡尔曼滤波的传统单假设跟踪方法,在实时的目标跟踪过程中具有较好的性能。



王 林,南改改

(西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院,陕西 西安710048)

