您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 高性能数据采集系统核心器件国产化水平研究
赵 前,罗通顶,陈彦丽,王 晶,吕宗璟,李海涛,张雁霞,阮林波
西北核技术研究所 强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应国家重点实验室,陕西 西安710024
摘要: 高性能数据采集系统在高能物理、粒子物理实验、辐射探测等科学研究中具有广泛的应用,是许多大科学装置的关键设备。高性能数据采集系统核心器件主要包括ADC和FPGA,国外一些发达国家在这方面的研究长期处于垄断地位,高性能的ADC和FPGA是严格对我国实施技术管控的产品,因此研究基于国产化核心器件的高性能数据采集系统显得尤为重要。基于高性能数据采集系统的原理,根据《瓦森纳协议》,梳理了西方国家对我国关键电子元器件以及测试仪器设备的技术封锁情况,调研了国产高性能ADC芯片以及FPGA芯片的设计生产现状并做了性能比对,同时分析了国内外示波器以及数据采集仪的现状并做了性能指标方面的对比,最后讨论了关键电子元器件国产化替代思路。
中国分类号: TN6
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 赵前,罗通顶,陈彦丽,等. 高性能数据采集系统核心器件国产化水平研究[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(5):7-11,20.
英文引用格式: Zhao Qian,Luo Tongding,Chen Yanli,et al. Research of data acquisition instrument based on domestic key chip[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(5):7-11,20.
Research of data acquisition instrument based on domestic key chip
Zhao Qian,Luo Tongding,Chen Yanli,Wang Jing,Lv Zongjing,Li Haitao,Zhang Yanxia,Ruan Linbo
State Key Lab of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect,Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology,Xi′an 710024,China
Abstract: The high performance data acquisition system is widely used in scientific research such as high energy physics, particle physics experiment and radiation detection, which is the key equipment of many large scientific experiment. The core devices of data acquisition instrument mainly include ADC and FPGA which are monopolized by developed countries for a long time. Especially high-performance ADC and FPGA, which are strictly relevant to China′s technology contractions, so it’s important to research the high performance data acquisition system based on the core devices of the domestic. The paper sketches the embargo on the equipment of core electronic components and key instruments based on the " Wassenaar Arrangement " and the theory of high performance data acquisition system. This paper researches the production status of the domestic high-performance ADC and FPGA, and makes the performance comparison. After that, the present situation of the oscilloscope and the data acquisition instrument are compared. Finally, the paper discusses the substitution of core electronic components.
Key words : Wassenaar arrangement;data acquisition system;ADC;FPGA

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    数据采集系统结构如图1所示,首先模拟信号经过前置模拟电路进行预处理,如单端输入转差分电路等,经调理过的模拟信号进入模数转换器(Analog to Digital Converter,ADC)芯片进行模数转换,ADC输出量化编码至现场可编程逻辑门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)芯片,当ADC输出的采样数据率高于FPGA内部逻辑资源的处理速率时,FPGA不能直接接收数据进入其内部逻辑资源,这时需要对ADC的输出数据进行接收转换、延时调整和降速处理等操作,才能进入FPGA内部处理,再通过外部总线协议读取DDR或FPGA内部的缓存数据做在线数据分析或离线数据分析,数据采集系统还包括一些外围电路,比如前端模拟电路、时钟电路、外触发模块及电源模块等[1-4]



赵  前,罗通顶,陈彦丽,王  晶,吕宗璟,李海涛,张雁霞,阮林波

(西北核技术研究所 强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应国家重点实验室,陕西 西安710024)

