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雷 芳1,陈 博1,吕京昭1,李平安1,杜海涛2,粟 栗2
1.重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院,重庆400065;2.中国移动通信集团公司研究院,北京100053
摘要: LoRa通信技术具有低功耗、远距离的特点,在生活中越来越受到关注。然而,对于底层的LoRa调制解调技术以及物理层通信链路流程,官方没有公开的技术文档说明,只有一些文献提及了这些内容。基于此,结合官方罗德仪表LoRa调制参数配置接口与文献资料,完善了物理层通信链路流程;从本质上,描述了LoRa调制解调技术的原理,从罗德仪表空口采集LoRa调制数据,对文献提出LoRa调制解调算法进行验证,提出了一种LoRa空口数据的同步算法,实现了对LoRa空口数据的解调。最后,对LoRa调制技术在5种码率下进行抗噪声性能仿真。仿真结果表明,并不是纠错码位数越多纠错效果越好;码率为4/5效果纠错最佳,抗噪声性能大约提高1 dB。
中图分类号: TN929.5
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 雷芳,陈博,吕京昭,等. LoRa空口数据的同步与解调[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(4):81-85.
英文引用格式: Lei Fang,Chen Bo,Lv Jingzhao,et al. Synchronization and demodulation of LoRa null port data[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(4):81-85.
Synchronization and demodulation of LoRa null port data
Lei Fang1,Chen Bo1,Lv Jingzhao1,Li Pingan1,Du Haitao2,Li Su2
1.School of Communication and Information Engineering,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065,China; 2.Research Institute of China Mobile Communications Group Corporation,Beijing 100053,China
Abstract: LoRa communication technology has the characteristics of low power consumption and long distance, and has attracted more and more attention in life. However, for the underlying LoRa modulation and demodulation technology and the physical layer communication link flow, the official does not have the public technical document description, only some literature mentioned these contents. This paper improves the physical layer communication link flow by combining the LoRa modulation parameter configuration interface the official Rhode instrument with the literature. The principle of LoRa modulation and demodulation technology is described in essence, and the LoRa modulation data are collected from the Rhode instrument null port. The modulation and demodulation algorithm of LoRa literature is verified, and a synchronization algorithm of LoRa null port data is proposed. The LoRa demodulation of null port data is realized. Finally, the noise resistance performance was simulated for the LoRa modulation technique at 5 code rates. The simulation results show that the reduction of bit rate does not mean that the anti-noise ability of the system will be improved. The code rate is 4/5 with the best effect error correction, and the noise resistance performance improves by about 1 dB.
Key words : LoRa;Rhode instrument;communication links;null port data;synchronization algorithm

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    近年来,智能设备的蜂拥而起,先后涌现了一系列的无线通信技术,被大规模应用于各个行业各种应用场景。其中,在广域网通信技术中,LoRa是一种前景比较好的低功耗广域网(Low Power Wide Area Network,LPWAN)[1-3]技术,主要应用于具有低功耗、远距离特点的应用场景,如智能抄表[4]、智慧农业[5]、智慧城市[6]等。





雷  芳1,陈  博1,吕京昭1,李平安1,杜海涛2,粟  栗2

(1.重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院,重庆400065;2.中国移动通信集团公司研究院,北京100053)

