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信息技术与网络安全 3期
(1.北京启明星辰信息安全技术有限公司,北京100193;2.沈阳师范大学 软件学院,辽宁 沈阳110034)
摘要: 随着能源互联网的快速发展与深入应用,泛在互联、对等开放、多源协同等特性导致恶意网络攻击不断发生,已经严重影响与威胁到能源互联网生产、传输、交易及消费各环节业务系统,能源互联网供应链安全作为保障能源互联网安全的重要部分得到进一步重视。针对能源互联网供应链全生命周期,提出了能源互联网供应链场景模型,概括了各场景下存在的安全风险,分析了供应链攻击各类场景,总结了供应链攻击的分类及特点,描述了能源互联网供应链攻击威胁模型,最后提出了各个场景的安全防御策略,为能源互联网供应链上下游安全保障提供参考。
中图分类号: TP393
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2022.03.004
引用格式: 李鸿彬,张赛楠,魏恩浩,等. 能源互联网供应链场景分析及防御策略研究[J].信息技术与网络安全,2022,41(3):18-25.
Research on scene analysis and defense strategy about supply chain of the energy Internet
Li Hongbin1,Zhang Sainan1,Wei Enhao1,Yang Xuehua2
(1.Beijing Venus Information Security Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100193,China; 2.Software College,Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang 110034,China)
Abstract: With the rapid development and in-depth application of the energy Internet, malicious cyberattacks occur continuously because of the characteristics of the energy Internet: ubiquitous interconnection, open equality and multi-source cooperation. That has seriously affected and threatened these business systems at all stages of the energy Internet: production, transmission, transaction, consumption and so on. The security of supply chain of the energy Internet should be paid more attention as an important part of securing the energy Internet. In view of the whole life cycle of supply chain of the energy Internet, this paper puts forward the scene model about supply chain of the energy Internet, summarizes the security risks under each scene,analyzes various scenarios of supply chain attacks, summarizes the classification and characteristics of supply chain attacks, describes the threat model about supply chain attacks of the energy Internet, and finally puts forward the security defense strategies about various scenarios, which provides some references for upstream and downstream security of the energy Internet supply chain.
Key words : energy Internet;security of supply chain;supply chain attacks;security development;defense strategy

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能源互联网是基于现有能源供给系统,利用可再生能源发电、互联网信息以及储能等技术,以电能为主体形式,以智能电网为载体,紧密耦合智能气网、热网、电气化交通网的互联开放的能源共享网络[3-4]。随着“工业4.0”和“两化融合”加快实施,新一代能源互联网复杂性日益剧增,各类新型能源终端及平台更加复杂多样,新型技术带来的各类风险、OT与IT网络病毒和大数据管理的隐患将更多的高级持续性威胁(Advanced Persistent Threat,APT)[5]带入了新型综合能源系统。




(1.北京启明星辰信息安全技术有限公司,北京100193;2.沈阳师范大学 软件学院,辽宁 沈阳110034)

