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信息技术与网络安全 12期
赵泽荣,胡 飞,伍 伟
(中国民用航空飞行学院,四川 广汉618307)
摘要: 针对自动广播相关监视(ADS-B)数据链存中GPS信号容易受到干扰的情况,提出了一种自动监测和粗定位方法来确定GPS信号干扰源。该技术处理方法在不改变现有ADS-B系统的基础上,只是对系统软件功能进行扩展,利用ADS-B地面站接收的目标数据,实时跟踪每个目标的运动轨迹,制定跟踪规则和算法,开展GPS信号干扰分析,准确获取GPS信号丢失和恢复的时间、经纬度、高度等数据,并与飞机的飞行轨迹进行对比分析,同时将分析数据展现在电子地图上,通过飞行大数据分析降低GPS信号干扰排查成本,提升人工排查GPS信号干扰源的效率,减少民航飞行安全隐患。
中图分类号: TN924
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.12.012
引用格式: 赵泽荣,胡飞,伍伟. ADS-B信号干扰源自动监测与粗定位技术研究[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(12):71-75.
Research on automatic monitoring and coarse positioning technology of ADS-B signal interference source
Zhao Zerong,Hu Fei,Wu Wei
(Civil Aviation Flight University of China,Guanghan 618307,China)
Abstract: In this paper, an automatic monitoring and coarse localization method is proposed to identify GPS signal interference sources for the vulnerability of GPS signals in the automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast(ADS-B) data chain.The proposed technique works without changing the existing ADS-B system, just to extend the system software capabilities. Using the target data received by the ADS-B ground station, the movement trajectory of each target is tracked in real-time, developing tracking rules and algorithms,interference analysis of GPS signals is carried out. The time, latitude, longitude and height of GPS signal loss and recovery are accurately acquired, and compared with the flight trajectory of the aircraft, and the analytical data will be displayed on the electronic map. The proposed technical mothed reduces the cost of GPS signal interference detection through flight big data analysis, improves the efficiency of manual investigation of GPS signal interference sources, and reduces the potential civil aviation flight safety risks.
Key words : GPS signal;ADS-B;signal interference source;automatic monitoring

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赵泽荣,胡  飞,伍  伟

(中国民用航空飞行学院,四川 广汉618307)
