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信息技术与网络安全 12期
周 宇,尹志锋,李林峰,周 淦
摘要: 航天发射场指挥显示不仅涉及各大系统的多种方式、多类协议的数据接入,还存在不同参试系统型号以及临时新增参数带来的参数内容、协议字段调整的问题。如何在不更改现有平台软件代码的情况下完成各类接口参数的接收、传输、处理与存储是指显数据引擎架构设计的重点。针对上述情况,提出了一种面向试验任务指挥显示的通用数据引擎架构。该架构基于“平台+组件”的设计思想,通过数据接入、解析、存储组件化,从而实现通过配置,灵活完成指显系统与内外部系统的信息交换,并支持集中式、分布式、混合式多种指显数据接入分发应用模式。
中图分类号: TP311.1;V19
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.12.011
引用格式: 周宇,尹志锋,李林峰,等. 通用指挥显示数据引擎架构及应用设计[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(12):65-70.
Architecture and application design of general command and display data engine
Zhou Yu,Yin Zhifeng,Li Linfeng,Zhou Gan
(The Sixth Research Institute of China Electronics Corporation,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract: For the command and display system in space launch sites, it not only involves the data access of various modes and multi protocol of each major system, but also considers the adjustment of parameter content and protocol field brought by different model of test system and temporary newly added parameters. How to receive, transmit, process, store and display all kinds of parameters without changing the existing software platform code is the focus of data engine architecture design. In view of the above situation, a general data engine architecture for command and display of space test mission is proposed. It is based on the design idea of "platform+component". Through data access, analysis and storage componentization, it realizes the flexible information exchange between the command and display system and internal and external systems through configuration. It also supports centralized, distributed and hybrid multiple modes of command display data access and distribution.
Key words : ommand and display;data engine;general;launch site;access and distribution;hybrid

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周  宇,尹志锋,李林峰,周  淦

