您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 基于MIPI规范的从端D-PHY数字电路设计
摘要: 基于MIPI D-PHY v1.1规范,提出了一种从端D-PHY数字电路设计,该从端D-PHY采用4通道实现。高速模式下,单通道数据传输速率最高支持1.5 Gb/s;低功耗模式下,通道0数据传输速率最高支持10 Mb/s。高速模式下,串行数据流的解串由模拟电路实现,解串后数据的帧头同步检测由数字电路实现;D-PHY引导码的检测以及低功耗模式下数据传输为异步通信,提出了一种异步时钟实现方式;采用SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS工艺库进行综合,典型工艺角下,整体电路的面积为95 061 μm2;整体功耗为4.291 mW,其中低功耗模式下功耗为231.3 μW。
中图分类号: TN492
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 张自豪,赵建中,周玉梅. 基于MIPI规范的从端D-PHY数字电路设计[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(11):33-38.
英文引用格式: Zhang Zihao,Zhao Jianzhong,Zhou Yumei. Design of slave D-PHY digital circuit based on MIPI specification[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(11):33-38.
Design of slave D-PHY digital circuit based on MIPI specification
Zhang Zihao1,2,Zhao Jianzhong1,Zhou Yumei1,2
1.Institute of Microelectronics,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100029,China; 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
Abstract: Based on the MIPI D-PHY version 1.1 specification, a design of slave D-PHY digital circuit is proposed, which is implemented with 4 lanes. In the high-speed mode, the data transfer rate of a single lane supports up to 1.5 Gb/s; in the low-power mode, the data transfer rate of lane 0 is up to 10 Mb/s. In the high-speed mode, the deserialization of the serial data stream is implemented by the analog circuit, and the synchronization detection of the data frame header after deserialization is realized by the digital circuit; the detection of the D-PHY entry code and the data transmission in the low-power mode are asynchronous communication and a kind of asynchronous clock implementation is proposed; SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS process library is used for synthesis, and at the typical process corner, the overall circuit area is 95 061 μm2; the overall power consumption is 4.291 mW, and the power consumption in low power mode is 231.3 μW.
Key words : MIPI;D-PHY;high speed mode;low-power mode;asynchronous clock

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    早在2003年,ARM、诺基亚、德州仪器和意法开云棋牌官网在线客服四家公司就预见了智能、多媒体手机的广阔市场前景,成立了移动产业处理器接口(Mobile Industry Processor Interface,MIPI)联盟[1]。目前,所有主要的芯片厂商使用MIPI规范,所有智能手机都至少使用一种MIPI规范。串行显示接口(Display Serial Interface,DSI)协议是MIPI联盟推出的针对高速显示接口的规范[2],多用于移动终端系统[3],其特点是高速、灵活和低功耗[4]。DSI协议架构的最低层是物理层(Physical Layer,PHY),规范了发送端(主端)和接收端(从端)通道的电学特性和通道建立时的时序要求[5]D-PHY规范是一种常用的兼容DSI协议的物理层规范[6]

    D-PHY一般包含一个时钟通道,一到四个数据通道,主要的工作模式有高速(High Speed,HS)模式、低功耗(Low-Power,LP)模式[7]高速模式下,D-PHY通道采用差分点对点传输,提供源同步时钟,数据传输采用突发式(Burst)传输,单通道数据传输速率最高支持1.5 Gb/s(D-PHY v1.1规范),主要用于传输高速的图像、视频数据流。低功耗模式下,D-PHY只有通道0工作,通道无端接,数据传输低速且可间断,是一种异步通信模式[8],通道数据传输速率最高支持10 Mb/s(D-PHY v1.1规范),主要用于传输控制和状态信号事务。





