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赵婧博1,乔亚娟1,张学智1,赵慧杰1,孙 健2,陆 燕3
1.中国电信股份有限公司研究院,北京102209;2.中国电信股份有限公司北京分公司,北京100010; 3.中国电信股份有限公司上海分公司,上海200060
摘要: 物流业是支撑国民经济发展的基础性、战略性、先导性产业。仓储作为物流行业的关键环节,面临碎片化仓储的利用率低、高标仓占比少、分拣准确率低、多仓管理难等“效率泥潭”,而提升仓储效率瓶颈的关键是加强数字物流基础设施建设。作为新型数字化基础设施的关键技术之一,5G在提供低延时、高带宽、海量接入的网络能力基础上,可以利用网络切片、边缘计算和端边云协同等先进技术,促进计算和存储资源在端边云设施上的高效分配,从而以更加灵活、高效、快速迭代、可演进的模式推动物流仓储的智慧化升级。梳理了基于5G的物流智能仓储的应用场景,论述了5G技术助力物流仓储智能升级中发挥的作用和价值。
中图分类号: TN929.5
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 赵婧博,乔亚娟,张学智,等. 5G在物流仓储行业的融合应用研究[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(11):16-19.
英文引用格式: Zhao Jingbo,Qiao Yajuan,Zhang Xuezhi,et al. Research on integrated application of 5G in logistics and warehousing industry[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(11):16-19.
Research on integrated application of 5G in logistics and warehousing industry
Zhao Jingbo1,Qiao Yajuan1,Zhang Xuezhi1,Zhao Huijie1,Sun Jian2,Lu Yan3
1.Research Institute of China Telecom Corporation limited,Beijing 102209,China; 2.China Telecom Corporation Limited Beijing Branch,Beijing 100010,China; 3.China Telecom Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch,Shanghai 200060,China
Abstract: Logistics industry is a basic, strategic and leading industry supporting the development of national economy. As the key part in the logistics industry, warehousing is faced with the "efficiency mire", such as low utilization rate, low proportion of high-standard warehouses, low sorting accuracy, and difficult multi-warehouse management. The key to improve the efficiency of warehousing is to strengthen the construction of digital logistics infrastructure. As one of the key technologies in the new digital infrastructure, 5G can provide network capabilities with low latency, high bandwidth and massive access. 5G can also make use of advanced technologies such as network slicing, edge computing and end-edge-cloud collaboration to promote efficient allocation of computing and storage resources on edge-cloud facilities. Thus a more flexible, efficient, fast iterative and evolvable model will promote the intelligent upgrading of logistics and warehousing. This paper sorts out the application scenarios of intelligent logistics warehousing based on 5G, and discusses the role and value of 5G technology in facilitating intelligent upgrading of logistics warehousing.
Key words : 5G;logistics warehousing;multi-access edge computing;network slicing;end-edge-cloud collaborative architecture

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    5G是构建的新型基础设施的关键技术之一[3]。5G克服了传统有线和Wi-Fi等技术的灵活性差、信号覆盖和终端数受限、难以大范围移动、干扰严重等问题,可支撑大规模物流装备的实时协同控制;利用多接入边缘计算(Multi-access Edge Computing,MEC),将物流装备的算力需求上移至边缘,实现低成本轻量化部署和快速迭代升级[4]。同时,基于5G广域网架构,技术标准化和通用化水平高,向6G的技术演进路线清晰[5],利用端边云协同能力,可实现物流软件的多云协同部署,提升物流软件的智慧化水平[6]



赵婧博1,乔亚娟1,张学智1,赵慧杰1,孙  健2,陆  燕3



