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来源: 网电空间战
关键词: 网络武器 电子火力

  美军各军种计划停用其单独的网络攻击发射平台,以使用一种工具将他们的工作更紧密地联系起来。(照片插图由 Staff Sgt. Jacob Osborne/美国海军陆战队提供)(美国海军陆战队部队 Cybersp )


  到 2024 财年,美国网络司令部下属的军种网络组成将迁移到联合通用访问平台( JCAP),该平台将为这些进攻性任务提供基础设施。各军种网络部队将从他们现在使用的单独工具转移到射击平台,更紧密地将他们在网络空间的行动联系起来,这是美国军方作为联合部队试图保护的领域之一。

  “在 24 财年,我们打算采用这些能力的所有传统 QRC [快速反应能力] 组件,将它们淘汰,然后转移到 JCAP”,美国陆军计划执行办公室情报电子战部门电子战和网络项目副经理威利·乌特罗斯卡 (Willie Utroska)上周在TechNet Augusta 上表示。“24 财年是我们淘汰当前攻击性网络工具的目标”。


  去年年底,美国国防部授予 ManTech 一份价值 2.65 亿美元的合同,以支持该计划 3.5 年。该软件工具是美国网络司令部联合网络作战架构的一部分,用于指导重大采购活动。

  Utroska 解释说,美国陆军计划进行一系列最小可行能力下降、增量能力插入,这将相互建立,第七次计划用于 24 财年的迁移。

  Military cyber operators will soon have a new tool to deliver virtual fires

  By Mark Pomerleau Aug 27, 01:01 AM

  The military services plan to sunset their separate cyber offense firing platforms to more tightly link their efforts using one tool. (Photo illustration by Staff Sgt. Jacob Osborne/U.S. Marine Corps) (U.S. Marine Corps Forces Cybersp)

  AUGUSTA, Ga. — In a couple years, cyber warriors in the military branches will use a single, new platform to deliver electronic fires over networks for offensive operations.

  By fiscal 2024, service cyber components under U.S. Cyber Command will migrate to the Joint Common Access Platform, which will provide the infrastructure for those offensive missions. The service cyber units will move to the firing platform from separate tools they operate now, more tightly linking their efforts in cyberspace, one of the domains the military is trying to protect as a joint force.

  “In FY24 we intend to take all the legacy QRC [quick reaction capability] components of those capabilities, sunset them and then move to JCAP,” Willie Utroska, deputy project manager for electronic warfare and cyber at Army Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors, said last week at TechNet Augusta. “FY24 is our target to sunset the current offensive cyber tools.”

  The tool, which the Army is developing for Cyber Command and the larger military, will deploy around four joint mission operation commands, he added, with memorandums of understanding signed so far by the Army, Air Force and Marine Corps.

  Late last year, the Defense Department awarded ManTech a $265 million contract to support the program over 3 ? years. The software tool is part of Cyber Command's Joint Cyber Warfighting Architecture, which guides major acquisitions.

  The Army plans a series of minimum viable capability drops, incremental capability insertions that will build on each other, Utroska explained, with the seventh planned for the FY24 migration.

