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陈小宇1,汪 歆1,武瑞宏2,任晓春2,邓 川2
1.华中师范大学 物理科学与技术学院,湖北 武汉430079;2.中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司,陕西 西安710043
中图分类号:TN709 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.201033

中文引用格式:陈小宇,汪歆,武瑞宏,等. 轨道动静结合快速检测多源数据采集模块设计[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(7):111-117,124.
英文引用格式:Chen Xiaoyu,Wang Xin,Wu Ruihong,et al. Design of multi-source data acquisition module for rapid detection of track dynamics and statics[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(7):111-117,124.
Design of multi-source data acquisition module for rapid detection of track dynamics and statics
Chen Xiaoyu1,Wang Xin1,Wu Ruihong2,Ren Xiaochun2,Deng Chuan2
1.College of Physical Science and Technology,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China; 2.China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd.,Xi′an 710043,China
Abstract:The high-precision synchronous collection of multi-source heterogeneous data is a key technology in the rapid detection system of combined track motion and static. In this paper, a set of track dynamic and static combined rapid detection multi-source data acquisition module is designed. This module uses Xilinx′s Artix-7 series FPGA as the main control chip, NVIDIA TX2 high-performance computer as the core data processing unit, and uses high-stability crystal oscillators and PPS pulse and NEMA data output by GPS establish a high-precision time reference, and realize high-precision real-time synchronous collection of multi-sensor data such as displacement sensors, temperature sensors, and laser displacement sensors by controlling AD sampling frequency. The module is small in size and low in cost. Tests show that the module can achieve high-precision synchronous collection of multi-sensor data, with a synchronization accuracy of microseconds.
Key words :track detection;multi-sensor integration;synchronous acquisition;FPGA

0 引言

多源异构数据的高精度同步采集是轨道动静结合检测系统中的关键技术之一[1-3]。轨道动静结合检测系统是以惯性测量系统为核心测量单元,并辅以全站仪、GPS、轨距、倾角、里程计、轨枕识别等多类高精度传感器,实现铁路轨道几何尺寸的快速检测。随着高铁的迅猛发展,列车的速度不断提高,在列车提速的同时,会对铁轨造成更大的伤害,铁路轨道会发生形变、磨耗等现象,而轨道结构的各个部件产生的形变都会直接或间接影响列车运营的平稳性和安全性[4-9]。由于轨道动静结合快速检测系统的动态测量模式,测量速率快,采样频率高,大量多源数据需要同步采集、处理与存储,并实时上传至控制中心,用于后续综合解算,因此,对多源数据采集模块提出了更高的性能需求[10]。针对上述问题,本文设计了一套轨道动静结合快速检测多源数据采集模块,该模块以FPGA为主控芯片,利用高稳晶振、结合GPS输出的PPS脉冲建立高精度时间基准,通过控制AD采样频率实现位移传感器、温度传感器、激光位移传感器等多传感器数据的高精度实时同步采集[11-12],将采集的数据通过USB实时传输至Jetson TX2[13],进行融合处理后,实现铁轨几何尺寸、形变及磨损的快速检测。



陈小宇1,汪 歆1,武瑞宏2,任晓春2,邓 川2

(1.华中师范大学 物理科学与技术学院,湖北 武汉430079;2.中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司,陕西 西安710043)

