您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 一种宽带全量程示波器信道保护器研制
李海涛1,李斌康1,2,陈彦丽1,田 耕1,2,赵 前1,阮林波1,2
1.西北核技术研究所,陕西 西安710024; 2.强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应国家重点实验室,陕西 西安710024
摘要: 基于THS3491运算放大器芯片研制示波器信道保护器,应用在脉冲辐射场诊断测试之中。研究测试了SOIC、VQFN两种封装的THS3491的幅频特性曲线,采用VQFN封装的THS3491作为保护器的核心芯片;研制的保护器输出电压幅值范围为±10 V(50 Ω负载),等效电噪声峰峰值约为2 mV;-3 dB小信号带宽约为850 MHz,0.3 dB平坦度带宽约为710 MHz,发现并理论解释了保护器输出电压的峰移现象。通过delta脉冲信号源对保护器进行测试,对比输入输出电压波形,实现了无失真的delta响应;在输出信号电压幅值范围超过±10 V时,保护器进入到输出保护状态,输出恢复时间小于7 ns,可以很好满足脉冲辐射场诊断中的示波器信道保护要求。
中图分类号: TN79
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 李海涛,李斌康,陈彦丽,等. 一种宽带全量程示波器信道保护器研制[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(7):106-110.
英文引用格式: Li Haitao,Li Binkang,Chen Yanli,et al. Development of a wide-bandwidth full-range oscilloscope channel protector[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(7):106-110.
Development of a wide-bandwidth full-range oscilloscope channel protector
Li Haitao1,Li Binkang1,2,Chen Yanli1, Tian Geng1,2,Zhao Qian1,Ruan Linbo1,2
1.Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology,Xi′an 710024,China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Effect for Intense Pulse Radiation,Xi′an 710024,China
Abstract: An oscilloscope channel protector is developed based on the THS3491 operational amplifier, which is used in the diagnosis of pulse radiation field. By comparing and analyzing the bode plots of THS3491 in SOIC and VQFN packages, the THS3491 in VQFN package is used as the core chip of the protector. The output voltage range of the developed protector is ±10 V(50 Ω load), the peak-to-peak voltage noise is about 2 mV; the -3 dB small signal bandwidth is about 850 MHz, and the 0.3 dB flatness bandwidth is about 710 MHz. The paper discovered and theoretically explained the peak shift phenomenon of the protector output voltage. The protector was tested by a delta signal source to achieve a distortion-free delta response. When the output voltage amplitude range exceeds ±10 V, the protector enters the output protection state, and the recovery time is less than 7 ns, which can well meet the oscilloscope channel protection requirements in the pulse radiation field diagnosis.
Key words : channel protection;small signal bandwidth;in-band flatness;output slew rate;recovery time

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    在强脉冲辐射场信号测量时,待测脉冲信号动态范围大,测试时需要兼顾大动态范围测量和波形细节测量,一般采用示波器信道量程搭接的方法来实现[1-2]。常用示波器垂直分辨率有限(8 bit或者12 bit,2~3个数量级),在进行信道量程搭接测量时(50 Ω负载),每个信道受到的脉冲信号的冲击是一致的,对高灵敏度信道而言,高强度的脉冲信号冲击可能会造成示波器信道性能超差、损坏,甚至导致示波器测量数据丢失。因此,在进行脉冲辐射场信号测量时,需要对示波器信道进行保护,防止出现信道损坏、数据丢失等后果。



李海涛1,李斌康1,2,陈彦丽1,田  耕1,2,赵  前1,阮林波1,2

(1.西北核技术研究所,陕西 西安710024;

2.强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应国家重点实验室,陕西 西安710024)

