您所在的位置: 首页> 其他> 设计应用> 基于SEIR模型的复杂网络上的动态隔离措施研究
汪 意,刘润然,贾春晓
(杭州师范大学 复杂科学研究中心,浙江 杭州311121)
引用格式: 汪意,刘润然,贾春晓. 基于SEIR模型的复杂网络上的动态隔离措施研究[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(6):75-82.
Dynamic isolation measures on complex networks based on SEIR model
Wang Yi,Liu Runran,Jia Chunxiao
(Research Center for Complexity Sciences,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121,China)
Abstract:Before the vaccine is developed, the isolation of potential infected and susceptible is of great importance for epidemiological control. By using the Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered(SEIR) model with infectious exposed individuals, this paper has proposed two dynamic isolation measures to suppress the epidemic, where each node is assigned a weight according to the local or the global information of the network and the nodes with the highest weights are considered as the isolation priorities. The first one considers the situation where the global information of the network is available, and the sum of the effective degrees of the first order neighbors, the sum of the effective betweenness of the first order neighbors, and the sum of effective path lengths to all infected nodes are taking into account as the weight of an isolation candidate. The second one is for the condition if there is only local information of the infected nodes, and the effective degrees and the numbers of adjacent infected nodes are taking into account as the weights of the isolation candidates. The simulation results show that,when the isolation capacity is set to 1% to 10% of the total number of nodes, the first isolation measure can prevent more than 90% of nodes from infection when the global information of the network is available, and the second one can prevent more than 70% of nodes from infection when the local information of the infected nodes is available, i.e., the spreading of disease can be suppressed effectively.
Key words :complex networks;the spread of disease;dynamic isolation measures;SEIR model

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汪 意,刘润然,贾春晓

(杭州师范大学 复杂科学研究中心,浙江 杭州311121)
