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臧俊斌1,2,白 洋2
1.中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,山西 太原030051; 2.中北大学(朔州校区),山西 朔州036000
摘要: 针对目前智能安防系统低成本、便捷的应用需求,为提高RFID在实际应用中既要方便易实现又要安全、稳定的性能,设计了一种基于RFID二次认证加密的智能识别系统。该系统主要是基于MIFARE-S50卡的密钥存储分区和任意一个数据分区,借助哈希码算法的不可逆性,结合UID(User Identification)完成智能识别系统的密钥认证实现。只有当数据和UID同时通过系统两次认证后,系统才能识别智能卡,从而做出相关识别动作,同时可有效识别并阻止复制卡认证。该系统支持3种工作模式:注册模式、工作模式、注销模式,可有效地确保用户的隐私和信息安全。经实验测试结果表明,该系统安全性高、稳定好、方便易操作,具有较高的应用和实践价值,可应用于学校、小区、公司等中型RFID智慧安防系统中限制非法人员的入侵。
中图分类号: TN911
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 臧俊斌,白洋. 基于RFID二次认证加密的智能识别系统设计[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(6):77-81.
英文引用格式: Zang Junbin,Bai Yang. Design of twice authentication and encryption intelligent recognition system based on RFID[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(6):77-81.
Design of twice authentication and encryption intelligent recognition system based on RFID
Zang Junbin1,2,Bai Yang2
1.Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement,Ministry of Education North University of China, Taiyuan 030051,China; 2.North University of China,Shuozhou 036000,China
Abstract: According to the low cost and convenient application demand of current intelligent security system, a novel identification system is designed in order to improve the convenience and stability of RFID in practical application based on RFID secondary authentication and encryption.The system is primarily come out of the key storage partition of MIFARE-S50 and any data partition,used the irreversibility of hash code algorithm, and UID is used as the authentication part in the key of intelligent recognition system.Only when the data and UID are authenticated twice by the system, then the smart card can be recognized and made relevant identification actions. At the same time, if system encounter a copy card, it can effectively identify and prevent the authentication.The system supports three working modes that are the registration mode, operating mode and logout mode, which can effectively ensure the privacy and information security of users.Actual experimental results show that the system has high security,good stability,and is convenient and easy to operate. And it has high application and practical value,and can be used in schools,communities,companies and other medium-sized RFID intelligent security systems to limit the invasion of illegal personnel.
Key words : RFID;MFRC522;authentication and encryption;intelligent recognition system

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臧俊斌1,2,白  洋2

(1.中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,山西 太原030051;

2.中北大学(朔州校区),山西 朔州036000)

