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蒙宇霆,袁海英,丁 冬
北京工业大学 信息学部微电子学院,北京100124
中文引用格式:蒙宇霆,袁海英,丁冬. 基于AXI总线的可配置LVDS控制器设计与验证[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(6):40-45,56.
英文引用格式:Meng Yuting,Yuan Haiying,Ding Dong. Design and verification of a configurable LVDS controller based on AXI bus[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(6):40-45,56.
Design and verification of a configurable LVDS controller based on AXI bus
Meng Yuting,Yuan Haiying,Ding Dong
School of Microelectronics,Faculty of Information Technology,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China
Abstract:In view of the differences of data bit width, frame format and storage mode and flexibility of data transmission in different application scenarios,a configurable LVDS controller based on AXI bus was proposed. In order to achieve precise control of LVDS controller, a configurable register module based on APB interface was added, and data transmission was controlled by software on the SoC system, which effectively improved the flexibility of data transmission and reception. In order to improve the transmission efficiency and widely adapt to the scenario requirements, the interface that interacts with the memory is defined as the interface of the AXI protocol. In order to avoid data transmission errors and packet loss, a parity function was added to the custom protocol and the packet checking mechanism was added to the circuit. Then, an efficient loopback verification scheme was used to perform functional tests on the LVDS controller. The experimental results show that the LVDS controller based on AXI interface can accurately and efficiently realize the data transmission and reception function between the peer devices. This configurable data transmission circuit design and verification scheme is flexible and feasible, so that it can be widely used in video image data transmission.
Key words :AXI bus;LVDS controller;high-speed interface;configurable module;data transceiver

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复杂电子系统设计对数据传输速率的要求日益严格,也带来高功耗、高成本等问题,低压差分信号(LVDS)[1]是一种高性能数据传输技术,它是速度、成本和功耗之间的最佳折中方案。在物理层电路设计方面,LVDS的低压摆幅(250 mV~450 mV)和快速过渡时间可以使数据传输速率达到100 Mb/s~3 Gb/s,能够满足现代复杂系统设计中对数据传输的需求。此外,这种低压摆幅可以降低功耗消散,具备差分远距离传输[2]的优点。在当今大量数据传输的诸多场景中,如芯片间的信息传输[3-4]、视频图像处理[5-6]、光通信[7]和LCD面板[8]等,LVDS已成为最有前景的解决方案之一。在数字逻辑功能设计方面,由于需求、协议和应用场景的差异[9-10],设计人员存在大量重复性的设计、调试工作。为提高系统开发效率,解决平台间的兼容性问题,通常在FPGA平台上实现LVDS高速接口设计[11-13],文献[11]在FPGA上实现了LVDS总线控制器,解决了多节点高速通信的故障隔离问题;文献[12]实现了LVDS接口的收发单元设计,在收发通路中加入数据与时钟对齐机制,提高了平台兼容性,并在FPGA上验证了方案。文献[14]通过FPGA设计了一种基于LVDS接口的高速并行数据传输系统,并应用于实际专用网络交换模块。在实际芯片工程中,考虑到当LVDS控制器集成到SoC系统上时存在兼容性问题,软硬件间应有更高的操作灵活度,系统各模块间数据传输应高速稳定。因此,为了提高系统可靠性,降低成本,设计一种高灵活度、高性能的LVDS控制器具有很高的价值。



蒙宇霆,袁海英,丁 冬

(北京工业大学 信息学部微电子学院,北京100124)

