您所在的位置:首页 > 模拟设计 > 设计应用 > 高功率密度超薄开关电源设计
于 广,李凤坤,田 华
大连东软信息学院 智能与电子工程学院,辽宁 大连116023
摘要: 平面变压器具有体积小、漏感低、转换效率高、散热性能好等优势,平面变压器设计方案很适合超薄开关电源的设计。以反激变换器为主电路,以SG6742为主控芯片,采用平面变压器研制了一台19.8 V/(2.31 A)高功率密度,超薄开关电源,给出了变压器的参数选择和平面变压器的PCB设计。电路测试结果表明该反激式电源具有88 V~264 V的宽输入电压,输出电压纹波小,在宽电压输入范围下效率大于87%。
中图分类号: TN86
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 于广,李凤坤,田华. 高功率密度超薄开关电源设计[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(2):85-88.
英文引用格式: Yu Guang,Li Fengkun,Tian Hua. Design of a high power density ultra-thin switching power supply[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(2):85-88.
Design of a high power density ultra-thin switching power supply
Yu Guang,Li Fengkun,Tian Hua
School of Intelligence & Electronic Engineering,Dalian Neusoft University of Information,Dalian 116023,China
Abstract: The planar transformer has the advantages of small size, low leakage inductance, low conversion efficiency, and good heat dissipation performance. The design scheme of the planar transformer is very suitable for the design of ultra-thin switching power supplies. Small-sized ultra-thin switching power supply with high power density of 19.8 V(2.31 A) is developed using a planar transformer. Flyback converter is used as the main circuit and SG6742 is used as the control chip,parameter selection of transformer and PCB design of planar transformer are given. The circuit test results show that the flyback power supply has a wide input voltage of 88 V~264 V, the output voltage ripple is small, and the efficiency is greater than 87% under a wide voltage input range.
Key words : switching power supply;flyback converter;planar transformer;high power density

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    随着电子仪器设备朝着小型化、高功率密度、高变换效率、高可靠性、绿色化方向发展,轻、薄、小成为衡量仪器设备的重要标志,故设计高功率、高性能的开关电源是电力电子技术研究的重要内容。磁性元件的体积和重量在开关电源中占据相当大的比例,占总体积和重量的百分之三四十,降低开关电源中的磁性元件的体积,成为降低开关电源的体积和重量、提高其功率密度的一种方法[1]平面变压器因以PCB Trace代替导线绕组实现变压器平面结构,可有效降低变压器厚度, 减小开关电源的体积和重量。



于  广,李凤坤,田  华

(大连东软信息学院 智能与电子工程学院,辽宁 大连116023)
