您所在的位置:首页 > 模拟设计 > 设计应用 > MOSFET寄生参数对LLC谐振变换器性能影响研究
沈 华,甄昊涵,童 涛,沈培刚,陈海敏,陈圣泽
摘要: 针对MOSFET寄生参数对LLC谐振电路性能的影响,首先对MOSFET的寄生电容进行等效分析,基于该等效模型,分析在LLC谐振变换电路中,寄生参数的存在对电路各个阶段过程的影响;接着对由于寄生参数引起的非线性特征,基于Angelov模型进行建模,并对该模型在直流电路中的影响进行分析。最后在MATLAB下建立了LLC谐振电路模型,在仿真模型中考虑了寄生参数的影响。仿真结果表明,建立的等效模型可以较好地反映MOSFET器件的工作特点;同时,由于寄生参数的存在,LLC谐振电路的输出增益和谐振频率都会受到影响,其中尤以对谐振频率的影响较大。
中图分类号: TN386
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 沈华,甄昊涵,童涛,等. MOSFET寄生参数对LLC谐振变换器性能影响研究[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(1):41-45.
Influence of MOSFET parasitic parameters on LLC resonant converter performance
Shen Hua,Zhen Haohan,Tong Tao,Shen Peigang,Chen Haimin,Chen Shengze
Institute of Electric Power Science,State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company,Shanghai 200090,China
Abstract: For the influence of the parasitic parameters of MOSFET on the performance of LLC resonant circuit, the equivalent analysis of the parasitic capacitance of MOSFET is first carried out. Based on this equivalent model, in the LLC resonant conversion circuit, due to the existence of parasitic parameters, the impact of each stage of the circuit is analyzed. Then, the nonlinear characteristics caused by parasitic parameters are modeled based on the Angelov model, and the impact of the model on the DC circuit is analyzed. Finally, the LLC resonant circuit model is established under MATLAB, and the influence of parasitic parameters is considered in the simulation model. The simulation results show that the equivalent model established in this article can better reflect the operating characteristics of the MOSFET device; at the same time, due to the presence of parasitic parameters, the output gain and resonance frequency of the LLC resonant circuit will be affected, especially the resonance frequency Greater impact.
Key words : parasitic parameters;LLC resonant circuit;Angelov model;output gain;resonant frequency

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沈  华,甄昊涵,童  涛,沈培刚,陈海敏,陈圣泽

