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基于改进的Faster R-CNN的古建筑地砖缺陷检测
陈 利1,2,刘艳艳1,2
1.南开大学 光电子薄膜器件与技术天津市重点实验室,天津300350; 2.南开大学 薄膜光电子技术教育部工程研究中心,天津300350
摘要:缺陷检测对于古建筑的保护和修缮具有重要的意义,传统的地砖缺陷检测通过目视检查,存在受人力影响大、耗时长等限制。基于深度学习的良好应用前景,建立故宫地砖缺陷的数据集,提出改进型Faster R-CNN的网络。首先,构建可变形卷积,通过网络学习并提取地砖中的缺陷特征;然后,将特征图输入区域生成网络中生成候选区域框,将生成的特征图和候选区域框进行池化操作;最后,输出缺陷检测结果。在故宫地砖图片数据集的测试下,改进后的模型平均准确率均值到达92.49%,与Faster R-CNN模型相比提高了2.99%,更适用于地砖缺陷检测。
中文引用格式:陈利,刘艳艳. 基于改进的Faster R-CNN的古建筑地砖缺陷检测[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(1):31-35.
英文引用格式:Chen Li,Liu Yanyan. Defects detection of floor tiles of ancient buildings based on Faster R-CNN[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(1):31-35.
Defects detection of floor tiles of ancient buildings based on Faster R-CNN
Chen Li1,2,Liu Yanyan1,2
1.Key Laboratory for Photoelectronic Thin Film Devices and Technology of Tianjin,Nankai University,Tianjin 300350,China; 2.Engineering Research Center of Thin Film Optoelectronics Technology,Ministry of Education,Nankai University, Tianjin 300350,China
Abstract:Defect detection is of great significance for the protection and repair of ancient buildings. The traditional floor tile defect detection has been subject to visual inspection, which has limitations due to human influence and time-consuming. Based on the good application prospects of deep learning, this paper builds a data set of imperfections in the Forbidden City, and proposes an improved Faster R-CNN. Firstly, the deformable convolution was constructed, and the defect features in the floor tile were learned and extracted through the network. Then,the feature graph was input into region proposal network to generate the candidate region box, and the generated feature graph and candidate region box was pooled. Finally, the defect detection results were output. Under the test of the image data set of floor tiles of the Forbidden City, the mean accuracy of the improved model reached 92.49%, which was 2.99% higher than the Faster R-CNN model and more suitable for the floor tile defect detection.
Key words :defect detection;Faster R-CNN;deformable convolution

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随着计算机视觉不断发展,深度学习作为计算机视觉的分支,越来越受到人们重视,目标检测是深度学习的广泛应用之一。近些年来,目标检测取得了很大突破。目标检测主要分为两类:一类是基于候选框的R-CNN(Region Convolutional Neural Network)系列算法,如R-CNN、Fast R-CNN(Fast Region Convolutional Neural Network)、Faster R-CNN(Faster Region Convolutional Neural Network)[2],它们是生成候选框后进行分类和位置回归;另一类是YOLO(You Only Look Once)[3]、SSD(Single Shot MultiBox Detector),从回归角度出发,直接在图像中回归出目标边框和位置,这类算法仅使用一个卷积神经网络。第一类方法准确度高,速度慢;第二类算法速度快,可以到达实时检测,但是准确性低。

目前基于深度学习的目标检测算法很多,应用在目标检测的效果也很突出[4-6],但是现有算法在缺陷检测中并不能很好地体现出来[7-9],尤其是在地砖缺陷检测中,现有目标检测算法受限于地砖特征的多样性以及纹理特性。为此,本文提出了一种基于改进型Faster R-CNN网络用于检测地砖缺陷。对卷积核中每个采样点位置都增加了一个偏移变量,通过这些变量,卷积核就可以在当前位置附近随意采样,而不再局限于之前的规则格点,形状多变的感受野丰富了语义信息,从而提高检测精度[3]



陈 利1,2,刘艳艳1,2

(1.南开大学 光电子薄膜器件与技术天津市重点实验室,天津300350;

2.南开大学 薄膜光电子技术教育部工程研究中心,天津300350)
