您所在的位置: 首页> 模拟设计> 设计应用> 一种CPT铯原子钟控制系统的设计
王淼儿,姚 燕
中国计量大学 计量测试工程学院,浙江 杭州310018
摘要:实现微型化、低功耗的相干布居囚禁(CPT)原子钟对于其在通信、定位等精密测量领域的应用具有重要意义。而外围控制电路控制频率和激光精准输出是实现相干布居囚禁原子钟的关键技术。设计了一种CPT铯原子钟外围控制电路系统。系统利用微调和粗调两级电流调节共同驱动VCSEL激光器工作,相对于单一电流调节,输出更加精准;采用锁相环电路产生可调制的微波信号;为实现微波功率可以调节,采用PIN二极管调节微波功率衰减;同时采用软件调制解调方法代替传统硬件调制解调电路,节约电路逻辑资源。实验测试结果表明,微波调制激光器产生相干调频多色光,微波频率为4.596 267 GHz时,微波输出功率达到-3.33 dBm。微波射频电路在1 kHz频率偏移量下,相位噪声低于-80 dBc/Hz,具有较好的性能。
中文引用格式:王淼儿,姚燕. 一种CPT铯原子钟控制系统的设计[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(12):57-60,66.
英文引用格式:Wang Miaoer,Yao Yan. Design of control system for a CPT Cesium atomic clock[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(12):57-60,66.
Design of control system for a CPT Cesium atomic clock
Wang Miaoer,Yao Yan
Collage of Metrology and Testing Engineering,China Jiliang University,Hangzhou 310018,China
Abstract:The realization of coherent population trapping(CPT) atomic clock with miniaturized, low-power is of great significance for its applications in the fields of precision measurement such as communication and position. The peripheral circuit controlling accurate frequency and laser output is the key technology to achieve coherent population trapping atomic clock. A peripheral control system of CPT Cesium atomic clock is developed in this paper. The system uses two levels for fine-tuning and coarse-tuning to drive the VCSEL laser to work, which is more accurate than single current adjustment and uses phase-locked loop circuit to generate modulated microwave signal. PIN diodes are used to adjust the microwave power attenuation in order to realize the adjustment of microwave power. In the meanwhile, software modulation and demodulation methods is applied to replace traditional hardware modulation and demodulation circuits, which saves circuit logic resources.The testing results show that the output of the microwave power reaches -3.33 dBm when the microwave frequency is 4.596 267 GHz. The phase noise of the radio frequency circuit is better than -80 dBc/Hz under the frequency offset of 1 kHz which has better capability.
Key words :coherent population trapping;atomic clock;control system;modulation and demodulation;phase noise

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1967年国际计量大会将时间单位秒定义为原子秒,时间秒是基于铯原子(133Cs)在其基态的超精细能级间跃迁频率(9 192 631 770 Hz)[1]。传统原子钟精确度很高,但由于其体积很大,应用范围较小,1976年ALZETTA C等人发现粒子数相干布居囚禁(Coherent Population Trapping,CPT)现象[2],这使原子钟系统向微型化发展成为可能[3]。随着科技发展,精确定时在水下石油勘探、移动网络通信和全球定位系统等领域的应用,推动了紧凑型、高性能原子钟的发展[4],所以研制具备小型化、低相位噪声、低功耗、高频率稳定度的原子钟具有重要意义。而原子钟外围控制电路作为原子钟系统重要组成部分,是实现精准频率输出的关键。




王淼儿,姚 燕

(中国计量大学 计量测试工程学院,浙江 杭州310018)
