您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 区块链技术与应用发展态势分析——中美比较视角
摘要: 为了深入分析区块链技术与应用发展态势,研判中国区块链技术发展现状与问题,选择中美对比研究视角展开研究。研究认为,美国在区块链技术和应用方面的探索位居世界前列,疫情下中美在基于区块链技术的跨境支付、供应链管理等领域的推广应用将显得十分关键。建议我国应抓住区块链发展机遇,推动基础技术研发与应用布局,完善区块链生态建设;建立区块链敏捷治理体系,制定和推广区块链风险评估框架,设立区块链登记平台;加快区块链人才联合培养,创新区块链人才制度,扩大涉及区块链的技术移民试点范围。
中图分类号: G321
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.08.001
引用格式: 郭滕达,周代数. 区块链技术与应用发展态势分析——中美比较视角[J].信息技术与网络安全,2020,
Analysis of the trend of blockchain technology and applications ——a comparative perspective between China and U.S.
Guo Tengda,Zhou Daishu
Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Ministry of Science and Technology,Beijing 100038,China
Abstract: In order to deeply analyze the trend of blockchain technology and its applications, and to judge the status and problems of China's blockchain technology development, the comparison between China and U.S.was selected as the perspective to carry out the research. The paper claims that U.S. ranks among the world's leading countries in the exploration of blockchain technology and application, and the application of cross-border payment and supply chain management based on blockchain technology between China and U.S. is critical under the epidemic. It is suggested that China should seize the development opportunity of blockchain, promote the development and application layout of basic technology, and improve the ecological construction of blockchain; establish an agile blockchain governance system, formulate and promote a blockchain risk assessment framework, and set up a blockchain registration platform; speed up the joint training of blockchain talents, innovate a globally oriented blockchain talent system, and expand the scope of pilot projects for blockchain technical migration.
Key words : blockchain;technology research and development;application of technology;Sino-US comparison

作为一种“信任的机器”,区块链可认为是一种将分布式账本、加密算法等技术综合集成而形成的分布式计算范式。2008年,中本聪关于比特币的论文奠定了区块链技术框架。随后,区块链技术相关研究文献纷至沓来。EYAL I、JESSE Y H等系统研究了区块链技术特点和技术构成,认为区块链具有去中心化、防篡改等诸多特点,是密码学、分布式存储等技术的集成。袁勇、王飞跃等通过解构区块链的核心要素,进一步提出了区块链系统基础架构模型。从应用角度来看,区块链技术最初是为了实现货币和支付手段的去中心化,在比特币之后,其他基于区块链技术的加密数字货币,如莱特币、瑞波币等相继出现。中国、英国等国家央行数字货币的研究也已经启动。







