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白 杰1,杨鹏飞2,孙鲜艳2,庞玉燕2,逯 楠3
1.俄罗斯联邦总统直属国民经济与国家行政学院,俄罗斯 莫斯科119571; 2.江苏数字产权交易有限公司,江苏 南京210000;3.南京市江北新区海外知识产权维权联盟,江苏 南京210000
引用格式: 白杰,杨鹏飞,孙鲜艳,等. 基于CNWW3区块链体系标准建立的数字版权应用[J].信息技术与网络安全,2020,39(7):18-30.

Digital copyright application based on CNWW3 blockchain system standard
Bai Jie1,Yang Pengfei2,Sun Xianyan2,Pang Yuyan2,Lu Nan3
1.The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration,Moscow 119571,Russia; 2.Jiangsu Digital Property Exchange Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210000,China; 3.Abroad Intellectual Property Protection Alliance of Jiangbei New District Nanjing,Nanjing 210000,China
Abstract:The application of blockchain technology makes the determination of the ownership of digital copyright and the transformation of digital copyright into digital assets and digital asset finance and transactions fairer and more just.Right holders only need to submit their works to the blockchain digital copyright system through the network,and the entire process is automatically completed. It has the following advantages: No geographical restriction; The whole process is automatically completed by the system; The ownership application is completed in real time; The original work or digital original is encrypted to ensure security. The digital copyright system of blockchain technology includes: the underlying infrastructure system of the blockchain; digital copyright legal process application system; digital copyright application process application system; digital copyright fingerprint encryption application system; digital copyright authentication application system; digital copyright rights confirmation application system; distributed data storage control application system; point-to-point control protocol. Blockchain digital copyright asset transaction application system includes: blockchain underlying infrastructure system; digital asset transaction application system; copyright asset value assessment and valuation alliance application system; legal lawyer affairs agency alliance application system; judicial institution joint application system. The blockchain digital copyright asset financial service system includes: financial asset financing institution application system; medium and short-term credit application system. The most fundamental core of digital asset transactions based on blockchain is asset flow transfer and trust.
Key words :blockchain smart contract;consensus algorithm;unchangeable;decentralized applications;Web3.0;CNWW3



根据中国国家版权局2019年3月5日对外发布的统计数字,关于2018年全国著作权登记情况的通报,2018年全国(指中国)著作权登记总量达3 457 338件,相比2017年的2 747 652件,同比增长25.83%。由此可见,版权(著作权)无论是在经济中的作用或是对于GDP的产值,其贡献都是巨大的,而且是以每年25%的综合比值增长。



白 杰1,杨鹏飞2,孙鲜艳2,庞玉燕2,逯 楠3

(1.俄罗斯联邦总统直属国民经济与国家行政学院,俄罗斯 莫斯科119571;

2.江苏数字产权交易有限公司,江苏 南京210000;3.南京市江北新区海外知识产权维权联盟,江苏 南京210000)
