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杨仁宝1,杜 兵1,杨 操2,焦蓬斐1,周 淦1
1.中国电子信息产业集团有限公司第六研究所,北京102209;2.31432部队,辽宁 沈阳110020
摘要: 在国产化背景下,针对航天测控体系中指挥显示软件系统(简称指显系统)在设计和开发过程中可移植性、可复用性较低的问题,在分析指显系统的任务需求和体系结构基础上,提出了基于组件技术的通用指显系统框架(General Command and Display Architecture,GCDA),解决了显示平台/编辑平台与组件耦合问题,使用Qt实现了基于组件的指显系统原型。GCDA框架和组件化方法是指显系统研发技术的积累和提升,在提高航天测控软件的研发水平方面提供了可行的技术途径。
中图分类号: TP520.60
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.09.015
引用格式: 杨仁宝,杜兵,杨操,等. 基于组件技术的通用指挥系统框架设计[J].信息技术与网络安全,2020,39(9):79-82.
Design of general command and display architecture based on component technology
Yang Renbao1,Du Bing1,Yang Cao2,Jiao Pengfei1,Zhou Gan1
1.The Sixth Research Institute of China Electronics Corporation,Beijing 102209,China; 2.31432 Troops,Shenyang 110020,China
Abstract: Under the background of localization, aiming at tackling the problems of low portability and reusability in the design and development of command and display software system(CDSS for short) in aerospace TT & C system,and based on the analysis of the task requirements and architecture of the presentation system, general command and display architecture(GCDA for short) is proposed based on component technology. It solves the coupling problem between display platform/editing platform and components, using Qt to realize the prototype of CDSS. GCDA framework and component-based method refers to the accumulation and promotion of CDSS, which provides a feasible technical way to improve the level of aerospace TT & C software.
Key words : component;general command and display architecture;aerospace TT & C

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杨仁宝1,杜  兵1,杨  操2,焦蓬斐1,周  淦1

(1.中国电子信息产业集团有限公司第六研究所,北京102209;2.31432部队,辽宁 沈阳110020)
