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简志景1,2,梁 昊1,2
1.中国科学技术大学 核探测与核电子学国家重点实验室,安徽 合肥230026; 2.中国科学技术大学 近代物理系,安徽 合肥230026
摘要: 设计并实现了一种基于FPGA的四通道数据采集系统。系统由65 MS/s的模数转换器AD9219实现对信号的高速采样。为满足采集数据实时存储的要求,设计了高速、大容量的DDR2硬件电路和接口逻辑。采集数据可通过USB接口上传至上位机,上位机负责数据的保存、处理和显示,同时控制数模转换器以直接数字合成的方式输出波形。测试结果表明,系统运行稳定可靠,可灵活控制。该系统为高性能数据采集提供了一套包括软硬件的整体解决方案,可以满足低温等离子诊断的要求。
中图分类号: TP216
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.09.002
引用格式: 简志景,梁昊. 一种基于FPGA的多通道数据采集系统设计[J].信息技术与网络安全,2020,39(9):6-11.
Design of multi-channel data acquisition system based on FPGA
Jian Zhijing1,2,Liang Hao1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics,University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026,China; 2.Department of Modern Physics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China
Abstract: A four-channel data acquisition system based on FPGA is designed and implemented. The system uses 65 MS/s Analog-to-Digital Convert(ADC) AD9219 to realize high speed sampling. In order to meet the requirements of real-time storage of collected data, a high-speed and high-capacity DDR2 hardware circuit and interface logic are designed. ADC data can be uploaded to the host computer through the USB interface. The host computer is responsible for the data storage, processing and visualizing. It can also control the Digital-to-Analog Convert(DAC) to output waveforms in the way of direct digital synthesis. The test results show that the system is stable, reliable and can be controlled flexibly. The system, including software and hardware, provides an overall solution for high-performance data acquisition, which can meet the requirements of low-temperature plasma diagnosis.
Key words : FPGA;multi-channel data acquisition;ADC;DDR2 SDRAM

0 引言

    在低温等离子体诊断领域,Langmuir单探针方法由于结构简单、测量范围大和结果可靠而被广泛应用。目前以单片机为主控芯片的传统诊断设备采样率较低,一般不超过400 kS/s[1],甚至只有38 kS/s[2],这些设备的ADC数据接口通常采用SPI或I2C,数据传输能力有限,而且数据处理大多依赖软件设计,难以满足现在高速、高精度、长时间和大容量的测量要求[3]。准确高效地获取这些数据对等离子体特性的研究有重要意义。

    为了提高诊断结果的准确性,需要采集大量的实验数据。本文提出了一套基于FPGA的四通道数据采集硬件系统,每通道采样率为65 MS/s,硬件中的ADC与FPGA之间采用高速LVDS信号进行数据传输,并且完成了基于.net框架下WPF技术的上位机可视化软件开发,实现了高速、大容量的数据采集、处理和显示。该系统可以由上位机灵活控制并长期稳定运行。



简志景1,2,梁  昊1,2

(1.中国科学技术大学 核探测与核电子学国家重点实验室,安徽 合肥230026;

2.中国科学技术大学 近代物理系,安徽 合肥230026)
