您所在的位置:首页 > 电源技术 > 设计应用 > 基于弹载的高功率密度LLC变换器设计
吴振苇,李双刚,张 丽,何娇娇
摘要: 传统脉冲宽度控制技术使得电源变换器中开关管工作在硬开关状态,产生的功率损耗会导致效率降低,选择适当的软开关技术可以有效降低开关损耗。针对某导弹型号XX-11设计了一款二次电源产品,前级通过PFC电路以实现功率因数校正,同时采取LLC谐振技术来实现软开关工作,提高电源效率。介绍了LLC谐振电路工作原理,用基波分析法对其建模,分析了谐振参数的对变换器增益和输出效率的影响,同时采用了磁集成的方法以提高功率密度。基于以上分析和设计,制作了一台630 W的产品,具有宽范围输入电压和高效率等优点。
中图分类号: TN86
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 吴振苇,李双刚,张丽,等. 基于弹载的高功率密度LLC变换器设计[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(11):109-113.
英文引用格式: Wu Zhenwei,Li Shuanggang,Zhang Li,et al. Design of LLC converter with high power density on the missile[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(11):109-113.
Design of LLC converter with high power density on the missile
Wu Zhenwei,Li Shuanggang,Zhang Li,He Jiaojiao
Shanghai Institute of Space Power-Sources,Shanghai 200245,China
Abstract: The traditional pulse width control technology makes the switching tube in the power converter work in a hard switching state, and generates power loss that leads to efficiency decrease. Choosing the appropriate soft switching technology can effectively reduce the switching loss. This article designs a power supply product for a missile XX-11,where the front stage uses PFC circuit to achieve power factor correction, and adopts LLC resonance technology to realize the soft switching work of power tube. The switching loss is reduced, and the working efficiency of the converter is improved. The article introduces the working principle of LLC resonant circuit, uses FHA method and analyzes the influence of resonance parameters on converter gain and output efficiency, and adopts magnetic integration method to improve power density. Based on the above analysis and design, a 630W product was produced, and its electrical performance was tested and verified.
Key words : soft switching;LLC resonant converter;first harmonic approximation method;magnetic integration;fixed frequency control

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吴振苇,李双刚,张  丽,何娇娇

