您所在的位置:首页 > 通信与网络 > 设计应用 > 5G核心网服务化架构演进研究
王 恒
摘要: 在3GPP Release 15阶段,服务化架构项目主要完成了服务发现的机制,但网元间通信采用的还是直接通信方式,这种点对点的通信方式在未来复杂的网络环境中极难维护,同时网元本身的可靠性也没有成熟的保障手段。主要研究5G核心网服务化架构演进方向,具体分析基于服务通信代理的间接通信方式,给出服务通信代理的优势与部署建议;分析网元集合与网元服务集合的高可靠性机制,给出网元卸载存储、转发功能以及专注计算的演进方向。
中图分类号: TN915.01
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 王恒. 5G核心网服务化架构演进研究[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(11):48-51.
英文引用格式: Wang Heng. 5G Core network service-based architecture evolution[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(11):48-51.
5G Core network service-based architecture evolution
Wang Heng
China Telecommunication Corporation Research Institute,Beijing 102209,China
Abstract: In 3GPP release 15, service-based architecture work item mainly finished the mechanism of service discovery. However, communication between network functions is still in a direct way which adopts point-to-point pattern and is hard for operations in future complicated network environment. At the same time, there is no mature protecting measure for the reliability of network functions. This paper mainly studies on the evolution of service-based architecture in 5G Core. More specifically, it analyzes the indirect communication method based on service communication proxy and gives the advantages and implementation suggestions. Also, it analyzes the high reliability mechanism of the network function set as well as the network function service set and gives the evolution of network functions as focusing on computing and removing the functionalities of storage and switching.
Key words : service-based architecture;5G Core

0 引言

    服务化架构[1](Service-based Architecture,SBA)是第五代移动通信系统(5G)核心网的重要特征。SBA在第三代合作伙伴计划(the 3rd Generation Partner Project,3GPP)Release 15阶段首次被提出,主要将网络功能划分为可重用的若干个服务,并且在服务之间使用轻量化接口通信,目标是实现5G系统的高效化、软件化与开放化。在3GPP Release 16阶段,服务化架构增强(enhanced Service-based Architecture,eSBA)项目在SBA的基础上继续增强了服务间通信的灵活性与可靠性。本文主要研究实现eSBA的关键技术与未来5G核心网基于SBA架构的演进方向。



王  恒

