您所在的位置: 首页> 测试测量> 设计应用> 基于GNSS-RTK技术的双层滑坡监测系统设计与实现
1.杭州电子科技大学 通信工程学院,浙江 杭州310018;2.中国科学院国家天文台,北京100012
中文引用格式:刘新华,尚俊娜,施浒立. 基于GNSS-RTK技术的双层滑坡监测系统设计与实现[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(11):1-7.
英文引用格式:Liu Xinhua,Shang Junna,Shi Huli. Design and implementation of a double-layer landslide monitoring system based on GNSS-RTK technology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(11):1-7.
Design and implementation of a double-layer landslide monitoring system based on GNSS-RTK technology
Liu Xinhua1,Shang Junna1,Shi Huli2
1.College of Telecommunication Engineering,Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310018,China; 2.National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100012,China
Abstract:Landslide and debris flow are the most frequent deformation geological disasters in our country. It is an important safety issue to establish a high-precision, real-time and stable monitoring system. Aiming at the problem of low efficiency of the traditional GNSS-RTK landslide monitoring system as the number of observation nodes increases and the alarm leakage caused by the simultaneous displacement of the base station and observation station, a double-layer landslide monitoring system based on GNSS-RTK technology is proposed. The double-layer landslide monitoring system based on GNSS-RTK technology is proposed. On the basis of the traditional landslide monitoring system, the new system adds a micro network observation system in some important node areas, which is improved from the previous "point" monitoring to the micro area "surface" monitoring, and realizes the deformation data collection based on GNSS-RTK technology and data transmission based on Lora and LTE technology. The test results show that the data transmission is reliable and efficient, and the measurement accuracy of the system can reach millimeter level, which can meet the requirements of landslide monitoring. The density of observation nodes and the length of baseline in the micro area of the observation station can be adjusted to meet the needs of different environments.
Key words :landslide monitoring system;GNSS-RTK;LoRa;LTE;millimeter level

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近年来,滑坡等地质灾害所带来的损失呈增长趋势,对人民的生命和财产安全产生了严重的威胁。据统计,世界各类地质灾害造成的损失平均每年约有1 500亿美元,近80年来死于地质灾害的人数已经超过1 000万。因此对于滑坡监测的研究近年来在不断深入开展。文献[1]中针对三峡库区的滑坡问题,基于3S技术和地面变形监测台网建立了三峡库区滑坡监测系统,并通过全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)等空间技术获得滑坡形变区域分布状况,但由于在测量中直接使用基准点不方便或不合理,引入了工作点,在一定程度上增加了系统的复杂度。文献[2]采用地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)进行滑坡分析,提出了切实可行的复杂滑坡分析模型和技术,给出了表现预测结果的直观的可视化的手段,但由于模型的通用性不强,不同的人预测结果具有很大差异,从而导致普适性不高。文献[3]提出了基于远距离无线电(Long Range Radio,LoRa)和通用无线分组业务(General Packet Radio Service,GPRS)的滑坡监测数据传输系统,测试结果显示该系统运行稳定,误码率低,适用于滑坡监测中的数据传输。

滑坡监测系统的研究多是对传输方式和监测方式的改进,对于监测系统模型的优化还很欠缺,因此在传统的滑坡监测系统模型基础上提出了基于全球导航卫星系统-实时动态载波相位差分技术(Global Navigation Satellite System-Real-time Kinematic,GNSS-RTK)的双层滑坡监测系统模型,并根据该模型数据量大、传输实时性强的特点,在滑坡监测区域内采用LoRa无线传输,通过通用移动通信技术的长期演进(Long Term Evolution,LTE)技术实现与后台服务器的快速交互。传统的滑坡监测系统是由基站、观测站和服务器三部分组成,新型双层滑坡监测系统从观测站入手改进,将观测站这个“点”外扩为观测站微区域系统这个“面”,可实现由“点”的监测扩大到“面”区域的监测。双层滑坡系统还使监测性能更加稳定,可解决传统监测系统基站和观测站同时偏移的漏警问题。




(1.杭州电子科技大学 通信工程学院,浙江 杭州310018;2.中国科学院国家天文台,北京100012)
