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面向5G TSN的网络架构演进及增强技术研究
吴欣泽1,信金灿2,张 化2
1.北京邮电大学 信息与通信工程学院,北京100876;2.中国电信股份有限公司研究院,北京102209
摘要: 近年来,时间敏感网络技术(TSN)的发展逐步引起工业界的广泛关注,其凭借低抖动、低延时、确定性传输等优势,为对传输时延有较高要求的应用场景提供了有力支撑,成为下一代工业网络承载技术的重要演进方向之一。为了在端到端的层面上满足某些垂直行业业务对低时延、高可靠的需求,5G网络在R15 URLLC的基础上对QOS、空口同步、头压缩等方面进行了增强,以满足TSN网络对于5G设备的严苛要求。首先从垂直行业需求入手,分析了5G网络与TSN融合的必要性,最后结合3GPP R16标准进展研究了TSN对于5G商用网络改造需求以及面临的挑战。
中图分类号: TN915
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 吴欣泽,信金灿,张化. 面向5G TSN的网络架构演进及增强技术研究[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(10):8-13.
英文引用格式: Wu Xinze,Xin Jincan,Zhang Hua. Study on network architecture evolution and enhancement technology for 5G TSN[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(10):8-13.
Study on network architecture evolution and enhancement technology for 5G TSN
Wu Xinze1,Xin Jincan2,Zhang Hua2
1.School of Information and Communication Engineering,Beijing University of Posts and Communication,Beijing 100876,China; 2.China Telecom Corporation Limited Research Institute,Beijing 102209,China
Abstract: Recent years, the development of Time Sensitive Network(TSN) technology has gradually attracted widespread attention from industry. Characterized by low jitter, low delay and deterministic transmission, TSN has provided strong support for scenarios with high requirements of transmission delay. It has become one of the important evolution directions of the next-generation industrial network bearer technology. In order to meet the low-latency and high-reliability requirements of vertical industry services at the end-to-end level, 5G network has enhanced QoS, air interface synchronization, header compression and other aspects to meet the strict requirements of TSN network for 5G equipment on the basis of R15 URLLC. Starting from the demands of vertical industries, this article analyzes the necessity of the integration of TSN and 5G network. The needs and challenges of TSN for 5G commercial network transformation has also been studied based on the 3GPP R16 standardization progress in the end.
Key words : time sensitive network;5G network architecture;URLLC;QoS

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    作为新一代移动通信系统,5G开启了全连接、全业务的时代,实现一网万用,使能行业数字化转型。URLLC作为 5G 的应用场景之一,旨在为工业自动化、自动驾驶等领域通过无线连接的方式提供端对端的超高可靠性和极低时延的通信,满足实时应用对关键数据传输的严苛要求[1]



吴欣泽1,信金灿2,张  化2

(1.北京邮电大学 信息与通信工程学院,北京100876;2.中国电信股份有限公司研究院,北京102209)
