邹风华,王 柱,钱秋妃,徐跃明,董俊岐
武汉大学 物理科学与技术学院,湖北 武汉430072
中文引用格式:邹风华,王柱,钱秋妃,等. 基于FPGA的虚拟放射源系统[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(9):102-105.
英文引用格式:Zou Fenghua,Wang Zhu,Qian Qiufei,et al. Virtual radiation source system based on FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(9):102-105.
中文引用格式:邹风华,王柱,钱秋妃,等. 基于FPGA的虚拟放射源系统[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(9):102-105.
英文引用格式:Zou Fenghua,Wang Zhu,Qian Qiufei,et al. Virtual radiation source system based on FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(9):102-105.
Virtual radiation source system based on FPGA
Zou Fenghua,Wang Zhu,Qian Qiufei,Xu Yueming,Dong Junqi
School of Physics and Technology,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China
Abstract:Nuclear physics experiments,radiation medicine and other fields are inseparable from the radiation source and its detection. By using DAC, FPGA and direct digital synthesis(DDS)technology to build a virtual radiation source system,the types of radiation source and detector can be flexibly selected, and the relative distance and angle between radiation source and detector can be set. According to the experimental spectral line, the amplitude signal is transmitted at a certain frequency,and it enters the FPGA digital processing platform through the network port. FPGA receives the amplitude signal and processes it to get the pulse signal with specific detector characteristics. The 14 bit digital-to-analog conversion chip LTC1667 is used to convert the digital signal from FPGA to analog signal. Pulse amplitude analyzer is used to collect and analyze the pulse signal and obtain the energty spectrum through the corresponding software.The results show that the virtual radiation source can not only achieve the similar effect, but also have more flexibiliy,convenience and safe.
Key words :FPGA;virtual radiation source;direct digital synthesis;pulse signal
0 引言
针对以上问题,本文通过上位机软件、嵌入式软件和硬件电路,开发虚拟放射源系统。FPGA运算处理能力强以及可以无限次编程,适合处理数据。通过Qt软件实现了归一化、脉冲幅度信号产生。通过Quartus II软件与硬件电路协同设计,实现了脉冲堆积、直接数字合成、特定脉冲信号产生。通过以太网模块与上位机模块之间进行通信。本文试图把该系统做好使之能够代替实物放射源和探测器,从而节省放射源和探测器的购买成本、放射性管理和辐射防护的投入,提高学习和培训效率。
邹风华,王 柱,钱秋妃,徐跃明,董俊岐
(武汉大学 物理科学与技术学院,湖北 武汉430072)